PLEASE HELP Molten Vault Boss Quest Reward Unobtainable

Dear POE 2 community

Can someone please offer some insight to any methods for being able to reset the boss encounter in the Molten Vault? I killed the boss and died to a deathrattle effect the boss left behind. The Item reward dropped and I was teleported to the arena entrance with no way to re-enter. This happened last night and I was hoping that logging off and going to bed would reset the instance and the encounter. However I logged in today, the quest item is still there, and the entrance is still bugged.

Thoughts and prayers welcome,

Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 4:16:36 AM
Currently have the same issue, but for me I didn't die - but couldnt move not pick anything up.

This caused me to respawn at latest check point ( from esc ), and now im above the lift, and are unable to get back down.
Resolved the issue by gowing to the drowned city, going to the waypoint, ctrl clicking the molten vault and creating a new instance, this caused me however need to re-kill the boss
Last edited by pwaiwa00#1020 on Dec 13, 2024, 4:29:31 AM

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