Why oh why hast thou forsaken me GGG
Why would you put a MAJOR core mechanic behind the gate of the worst possible mechanic in the game. I ABSOLUTLY HATE the whole trial thing, anything that puts stock into how many times I get hit is the F****ing worst idea ever in the history of the universe.
Ok rant is over, I love the game and all that you guys do, I just HATE HATE HATE that mechanic, because I suck so bad at it and will never get any better. So far, I have not been able to make it through to get my 1st ascendency because I suck so bad at the whole mechanic thing. AAAAAHHHHHHHH I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok not really mad just super bummed, because I really really hate that mechanic and now, I have to deal with it no matter what. Sorry and thank you all for listening, I feel batter now and am ready to go and try to get past it again so I can get my first Ascnedency. Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 12:17:19 PM