Merged Accounts - No longer guild leader

I merged my accounts (PS5 and PC) and thought I had lost everything.
Turns out on the main screen I need to press R3 to switch accounts.

When selecting the account with my PS5 characters and logging into one of them, it seems that I still have my Guild and my friends are still in it, but I don't seem to be the leader.

I logged into the other linked account (the merged PC one), and created a character, went to town, and saw no Guild stach... checked social, and saw "Create a guild" option, as if that account is not in a guild.

Swapped back to the PS5 account and added the character I made on the PC account as a friend, to see it say "Last online 28 seconds ago"
Looked at guild page, and it says the leader (Me) was "Last online 32 seconds ago"

It seems like my PC account is the guild leader account, (Although that account cant see or access the guild, and isn't even in a guild), while the PS5 account (that I created the guild with), is in the guild, but not its leader...

Anyone know what the heck is going on here?
I'd like my PS5 account back as the guild leader account so I can add people.
Currently I can't add anyone, change guild leader or remove people.
Last bumped on Feb 19, 2025, 3:18:32 PM
I have exactly the same issue. By logging off the game and back in a few times, and then changing the subaccount, I can actually get the leader char/role back. It is inconsistently reproduced, though. The "last selection" does not appear to be retained though, so every time it takes several trials before getting the role back.
I've recently moved house, thus I've not had the chance to check for a fix/replies. However yesterday I logged in and confirmed that the bug still exists.

I've put together a youtube clip of the bug and am hoping that possibly someone either has a solution for this, or maybe bumping the post might get a set of Developers eyes on the bug.

I also tried yesterday to leave the guild in hopes that it would be passed over to one of the other guild members, then they could re-add me and maybe that would solve the issue, but I'm not even able to leave (not that I want to)

In the clip you can also see that I was able to send a friend request to my other acount.
My PS5 account was able to send the request, but the PC account was not able to accept it, or decline/remove it.. so it's now stuck there pending forever...

Managed to level up, and instantly hit the guild button when I saw a message saying I had come online. This showed me as online and the party leader.
During this split moment, I promoted everyone to Officer and then transfered guild leader to a friend, which demoted me to Officer.
TP'ed back to town and opened guild page and it stated I was offline again, and I don't have the option to add people to the guild even though I am an Officer.. so it's still broken and out of sync with my accounts.. however hopefully my friend can send out invites now? maybe?

The friend I set as leader can now add people, and managed to kick and re-add me..
After readding me, it said that I was online and in the guild, however the moment I changed zones (left town to go to a new area) it said that I was offline and I lost the guild ability to add people.

I also saw that the guild stash tabs were on offer, as was going to grab a gem stash tab. I sent over the 30 points needed to get the stash tab, but they didn't transfer over to the guild.
Asked friend to kick me from the guild and re-add me so that I was in the online state, and tried to send over another 5 points (the last points I had) in hopes that maybe that would work.. but sadly they too vanished into nothingness.
Friend who I managed to set to guild leader managed to add 1 point to guild, and it showed up for him, but not for me on the guild page, so he added 29 more to buy the gem page.
I now see the gem page in the guild stash, even though I cant add people to the guild, add points to the guild or be seen as online in the guild.

Update 4:
Having my friend remove me from the guild and adding the PC account seems to work just fine. The account character stays in the guild and has all permissions when changing areas, so it only seems to be effecting the PSN account.
Leveling up the PSN account seems to add the account back into the guild so long as you dont change zone. This works every time you level up, but is removed every time you change zone.

It seems like the following is happening:
1. Guild invites are sent out to an "players" account and a message is displayed on each of the linked accounts.
2. What ever account accepts the invite is added tot he list of guild members.
3. The primary account (im my case, the PC one) is the account that gets added if an invite is accepted, however some form of acknowledgement is sent though that the account that accepted the invite should be able to see and use the guild.
4. When you change zone, a new connection/authentication is sent through to load you into that zone, which makes the account no longer believe it is in the guild, as the primary account is the one listed as being in the guild.
5. Leveling up, seems to send through some sort of connection to the guild (possibly due to some guild update/notification that should go through) which then causes the local instance of the account to see that it has access to that guild.

This may also be why the sending of guild couns doesnt work, as the secondary (PSN account in my case) is not listed as being in the guild.
Last edited by Musical-Phenix#9966 on Feb 16, 2025, 11:50:51 AM
Contacted support via email.
It seems the guild donations "did go through" but you have to have the leader accept them via the webpage

We were both expecting to see something in game, be it apopup that could be accepted or be it something on the guild tab to accept the donation.
But at least that one part solved, and my account now shows as having the 35 points back as they were not accepted.

The issue with losing access to guild abilities still exists however and from the email they simply stated: "If you are logged into your PlayStation Path of Exile account and experiencing issues when loading into a new instance in-game, please post a bug report here so our Quality Assurance Team or our Console Team can review this further."

I don't know if they fully understood what the issue I was trying to explain was, even with sending them a link to the youtube video showing the bug in action.

I could really do with someone with more tech/dev knowledge taking a look if possible, rather tha the emails customer support.
Thanks for your report. We're looking into this.

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