List of Bugs I've Experienced (Normal Campaign complete)
I'll first apologise if this is the wrong way to go about this, it just feels like the easiest/least spammy approach. Secondly, this game is in an overall incredibly polished state for early access. With that in mind, in no particular order:
Party Play, generally buggy: Played through the entire campaign in a group basically. It seems to have an non-negligible influence on the odds of getting the infinite loading screen bug. There are areas in act 3 where this is particularly egregious, but the most easily replicable one is the Trial of Chaos. I'd say it's a >50% chance of one or more players in a party of getting the infinite loading screen bug when entering the trial. The invite system is also not functioning properly, bearing in mind this is only PS5 I'm speaking from experience with. So for example, after a certain length of time, even as leader of a group, inviting someone else will simply not work, the recipient doesn't receive an invite, and to get around it the party must be disbanded and recreated. As well, even when first setting up a new group, you cannot invite more than one person at a time, as the invite will expire after the first person accepts the invite. You have to invite one person, wait, then invite the next etc. I've also experienced a lot of strange behaviour and crashing in a party setting that my instinct tells me is because we are in a group. For example, there were 2 situations in which 2 or 3 of us would have our games crash simultaneously, and upon rebooting the game, whoever didn't crash would still be in the instance we were in, only for them to disappear from it again (despite being visible on the map before doing so briefly and despite this being not the normal behaviour upon rebooting up to this point). This behaviour was exclusive to a couple of the Act 3 Areas, specifically The Drowned City and Aggorat is where this happened to us, however that obviously doesn't mean it's an issue exclusive to these locations. Auto Gateway, not optimal: Having your Gateway set to Auto will send you on a world tour. Maybe this behaviour is to be expected when half the planet is trying to play your game at the same time but myself and my friends are all playing from Ireland, and we were getting sent to Texas, California, Singapore and other faraway lands, causing a great deal of lag. When trying to set your gateway in the main menu, if it is the only option that you change, the ability to save those changes doesn't become available, the 'Save Changes' button remains greyed out. Once another option was changed, the gateway change could then be locked in, but I imagine this isn't intended behaviour, both for auto not working and changing the gateway not being registered as a change. Party Play, Warrior OP? I'll be honest I'm hesitant to mention this, however I feel as though it should be said. When I'm playing in a party, almost all enemies are primed to be heavy stunned by Boneshatter before they've been hit. This is not the case in solo play. There must be something about being in a group scaling their stun threshold in such a way that I can immediately walk up and explode their heads. I've obviously enjoyed killing everything in one hit, but I doubt that's been your intention! Boneshatter Whiffing: Before you accuse me of having no accuracy, it was at 100% as I checked it repeatedly. Basically, sometimes Boneshatter just swings and misses. It feels like the tracking is just inconsistent. I will go for large swathes of time where it works fine, then sometimes it whiffs completely despite being point blank and having max accuracy. It may just be a lag thing, it felt very common early on in the campaign, but it definitely wasn't an accuracy thing and felt like a tracking issue. Trial of Chaos, floor of death: This isn't a complaint of difficulty, I attempted this trial as a group and failed multiple times and then solo'd it second try. However, in a group, it seems as though many of the floor related mods, like the lightning rings and expanding phys damage AoE are buggy, because there were multiple instances of either myself or my friends, whoever wasn't leader, dying to a floor related Ultimatum mod that wasn't visible on their end. The general behaviour of these floor mods doesn't seem to consistently sync with other players, resulting in their untimely and tragic death. Skill Tree Refund Bug: This isn't something I've experienced personally in PoE 2 but I did witness my friend going through it, and it is something I experienced during the Settlers league on PoE 1. Refunding nodes on the tree that should be refundable, as in the tree loops both ways and attempting to refund one half of the loop, doesn't work sometimes. I thought it might be something to do with the travel nodes being changeable to a different attribute, but there were small passives where the behaviour continued, so not sure how relevant that is. The way I got around this in PoE 1 was to use an orb of regret, refund one passive, and then the gold refunding would work again. Sadly this isn't an option in PoE2. A large chunk of the tree had to be refunded to get the points reallocated properly. For reference it was near the start of the Monk part of the tree, though am sure the behaviour can be seen elsewhere. Framerate drops in specific places: There were 2 areas in Act 3 where I noticed my frames dropping just for being there, unfortunately I can't see the Act 3 areas from before going through the portal anymore, but one was the big pyramid with the little sun inside it, really cool area hampered by poor performance (I'm on a PS5 Pro with my PSSR and settings on Balanced for reference) and the other area was the desert part of the Infested Barrens, frame drops with nothing on screen in the deserty part of the map. Overall, as mentioned, very polished for early access. Furthermore the game itself is amazing and I hope it doesn't change for the worse in an attempt to appease people that hate it for what the game isn't. GGG, you've got a masterpiece on your hands, and you should be proud. Last edited by MICKYMAN-5000#9567 on Dec 9, 2024, 4:11:02 AM Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 3:52:19 AM
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