A couple small changes would fix this game
Honestly, biggest thing that I would want changed is going back to the poe1 system of monsters don't respawn when you die and bosses health doesn't go back to full. I think these changes alone would solve a lot of the issues people are having at low levels. Like, its such an unfun game loop to die, respawn, slog back through all the mobs you've already killed to get to the point you were previously at, die again to the same elite that killed you the first time, repeat ad nauseam. There was one point in the cultist village act 1 where I died, respawned at a checkpoint surrounded by about 8 cultists, and they all dogpiled and stun locked me before I even had time to press dodge, which then respawned me at the same checkpoint, so the same thing happened again and again. Think it took about 8 tries before I got lucky and rolled out of the way at which point I traveled back to town and gave up on that area for awhile. Genuinely not sure who thought it was a bright idea to have a mob spawn RIGHT ON TOP OF A CHECKPOINT! This is a core problem I've noticed in the game so far. It's challenging in frustrating ways, not fun ways.
Same thing with bosses. I loved the old poe1 boss health system and thought it was a genius idea. Bosses can still be a hard fight with annoying mechanics, but the old health system would allow you to slowly chip away at them. Right now they feel like an unnecessary brick wall that keeps you from progressing the story, and the solution is just to go farm for better gear for 2-3 hours to have a slightly better chance only to go back and still get your ass clocked. Oh, but you got them down to 1/16 health this time instead of 1/4. Progress, I guess. The current system just makes them an unfun obstacle that takes too long to get through. Also on a side note, as much as I hated diablos smart loot system at first, this game has made me rethink my stance on it a bit. Like, I know poe isn't diablo and classes don't really matter outside of starting point/ascendancy, but it would be nice to have an adjustable scale that makes it more likely to drop "class" loot. Started off as a monk and you know what my most common drops were? Wands for minion builds and quivers. Literally all of my quarterstaff upgrades have been vendor buys which took forever to farm up the gold for(realistically it probably only took about 30 minutes but felt WAAAY longer). And all of these problems make me dread leveling alts later I really want to like this game. It looks beautiful and when I first loaded it up, it gave me that hit of d2 nostalgia I've been missing. The problems I've noticed so far in the game are minor ones, but they all add up to make an unfun, frustrating experience and hopefully they find a way to course correct at least a little. You can still have a difficult game that differentiates itself from poe1, but the juice needs to be worth the squeeze, and right now it ain't Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 4:05:16 AM
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No. Game is pdrfect like it is. Its not easy like before and im happy with that. And i think some bisses have to be buffed. Just learn how to use backspace.
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Totally agree, I enjoy the difficulty but the reward for the effort isn't there at all, low currency drops and no gear drops and all of this while getting swarmed I to a corner, dying and having to re-kill monsters is not fun at all. Been playing 25 hours but today I actually dreaded to start up the game but 6 hours played, 1 exalt and half a regal in rares later I'm waiting for a couple months until they get this fixed and I can enjoy a proper playthrough.
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No thanks.
Just play poe 1 if that's what you want |
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I am playing sorcerer and I mostly get quarterstaff drops. And crossbows.
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No matter how negatively I feel about PoE 2, I have to admit that bosses regenerating health after death is the right mechanic. I never liked the strategy of throwing bodies at them.
Smart loot should only apply at the early levels, with its effect diminishing towards the endgame maps, down to zero. It has no place in the endgame. |
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" Here's a counterpoint. Making the above changes I suggested would actually let us both play the game how we want. The difficulty of monsters in terms of health/damage/attack patterns is fine and doesn't need to be changed. If you want your boss fights to start from zero once you die and you get to learn the boss mechanics until you beat it, then you could still do that by just opening a new instance at the boss arena door. And for people like me who just want to run through the story and escape into a dark fantasy world for a bit, we could slowly chip away at hard bosses death by death until we got through it. Because I think a lot of you have forgotten that a games campaign is supposed to be a STORY. Instead, poe 2 feels like trying to read a book, and having to re-read the same chapter 20 times before you can move on to the next one and that pace is just not fun when looking at it from a narrative perspective " Like I said to the other person, you could still play it your way and start a boss fight from the beginning with one button click. They say you can't please everybody, but this suggestion would literally be a way to please everybody and let them play how they wanted. Like, this game is so close, and the issues it has are minor, but all of those issues are annoying and compound upon one another to the point that the game feels like a chore to play rather than a challenging bit of fun And yeah, endgame smart loot wouldn't be great. Maybe a slider that you could crank to 100 at early levels, but it's max goes down by like 5%or something each level until it hits zero |
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" Back when they first added Dominus, and farming him was still a viable thing to make currency, I used to farm him with Cast on Death/Portal. Just run in there and face plant over and over and collect loot. Didnt have to pay attention at all. Was actually kind of fun and relaxing. After getting tired of playing the game normally for the day, go face plant into Dominus over and over and make bank. |
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