Spirit Management & Boss Issue

Hi guys !

When I encounter Rathbreaker for the first time, as soon as I fled the platform he gets back to his original spot and gets stuck (taking no damage).

The second time I stayed on the platform, I died during the fight, and after that my spirit gauge was limited to 30 spirit (while my character is supposed to got 179 spirit).

If someone have an info...
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 1:28:02 AM
Thanks for your report.

I'm guessing your spirit is coming from your sceptre, did you accidentally unequip it or weapon swap perhaps?

Exactly but no. I restarted the fight without touching anything.

I tried to swap to another scepter after seeing my minions doesn't resurrecting but it doesn't work.
I also tried to reinstall the game. Same issue.
Last edited by kurojisan#9201 on Dec 8, 2024, 7:51:48 PM
I've found a fix for this on Reddit. Basically check if your character is VISIBLY holding the scepter in the hand. Even if equipped in inventory, it can look like they don't hold it and that's when this bug occurs ?_?
Anyway, to fix it, you have to swap the scepter and use a skill that's associated with some other weapon. I think I fixed mine by just unequipping it, using the skill that's on my wand and then just re-equipping the scepter or something like that :D I had the same bug with my scepter minions not appearing and I couldn't activate them at all.
here's the full thread on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExile2/comments/1h8n3x8/witches_losing_all_spirit_i_have_the_fix/?share_id=uH1Bqg4GsD6sTVH8ITsyg&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
Thanks a lot ! It finally works and you saved my day off ;)

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