Why Sanctum..?

Whose idea was it to bring Sanctum into PoE2 and then make it an ascension trial? It's the worst league mechanic by a country mile and requires VERY specific builds to be able to complete. Any melee class is just totally screwed by the boss who does massive AoEs that take 30-40% of your honour in one hit.

I suggest having all ascension trials unlock at the same point in the campaign, so we're able to choose which one we do first instead of being stuck unable to ascend until act 3 when ultimatum is unlocked.
Last bumped on Dec 8, 2024, 8:06:56 PM
I'm fine with it if it was actually balanced, but I barely scraped by as a sorc, and a warrior I was watching seemed to have no way to realistically do damage to the boss without eating hits, and this was long before the boss powered up and started to spam volcanos everywhere. He was out long before that. I don't look forward to trying that.
Yep. This is what happens when these big companies started hiring streamers and progamers as their balance testers instead of... real people worth their salt.

"Oh I can kill this boss using my leapslam build by popping an addie having an energy drink and bursting my blood vessels in my eyes for 10 minutes straight! Okay devs, just turn up the bosses HP by 500% and we are good to go!.

The act 2 end boss is a perfect example of Dev/streamer/player base disconnect. Way too much HP so much that you are just bored and tired by phase 2. "Just do this streamer build that does 500% more damage dude!". Nah, I signed into an ARPG to have some level of power fantasy and creativity.

I'm not copying some cheeto stained dudes build just because the devs failed to hit the mark.
No offence to streamers. But I hope they haven't had to much input into the game.
Sed1tion#0517 wrote:
No offence to streamers. But I hope they haven't had to much input into the game.

POE 1 is the way it is because of their "input".
Yep. This is what happens when these big companies started hiring streamers and progamers as their balance testers instead of... real people worth their salt.

"Oh I can kill this boss using my leapslam build by popping an addie having an energy drink and bursting my blood vessels in my eyes for 10 minutes straight! Okay devs, just turn up the bosses HP by 500% and we are good to go!.

The act 2 end boss is a perfect example of Dev/streamer/player base disconnect. Way too much HP so much that you are just bored and tired by phase 2. "Just do this streamer build that does 500% more damage dude!". Nah, I signed into an ARPG to have some level of power fantasy and creativity.

I'm not copying some cheeto stained dudes build just because the devs failed to hit the mark.

NGL this is a pretty insane take on my post. I just don't like Sanctum at all and think it's a terrible choice for ascension trials as it very harshly punishes builds that are designed to tank hits rather than avoid them entirely i.e Melee builds.

I don't get the streamer hate so many people on these forums seem to have. It just comes across as jealousy that they've been able to make a career out of playing games while you're stuck at a 9-5 that you hate.

No one's telling you to copy their builds, just learn to make better ones yourself. Personally I'm loving everything about this game except for sanctum, which I hated and avoided in PoE1 as well.

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