POE2 Trial of chaos crash edgecase


Was running a trial of chaos and in the chamber where you have to fetch the 3 stone cores i encountered a crash.

I got interupted while placeing one of the cores, and when i went to pick up a new one my client crashed.
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 6:01:35 PM
My game has just crashed twice, both times just after picking up the second soul core after the first one has been placed.
Constant crashes at random times in trial. Can't get second asc...
IGN: VistaChris
My friend had crashes when trying to beat the second ascendancy boss. Whenever the boss was the bird, an unexpected bug occurred that caused the game to close and restart the entire trial.
For me its the third trial, there's one enemy that breathes 3 streams of fire, I crash every time it starts to attack
Also crashing during Chaos trial, once on bird boss, once during the collect 3 Vaal cores.
Constant crashes at random times in chaos trial. Can't finish it.
Same here. Me and 2 friends tested this trail 4 times. We never came past trail level 4. Always crashing. One time we crash all at ones. game just closes.
Same. Can't get through the trial of chaos without crashing. This needs a hotfix.
Yep same here. Crashing constantly during Trial of Chaos.

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