Vile Vulture turning Invisible/Blocking path

The viles vultures from Act 2 Spires of Deshar sometimes turn invisible and block your path forcing you to go ahead and take a big chunk from them, i believe this is caused because most of them are programmed to be at the edge of something waiting for you to jump and rip your guts.

Bug Report ID: #463266415
A Girl without cock its like an angel without wings.
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 4:53:34 PM
This happens to me as well. Mainly on the Spire bridges. The vultures jump to the bridge, and disappear for a moment.

You stand before the gates of the Lord's Labyrinth. Within these walls, the Lady of Justice doth preside.
There's also an issue with the Vile Vultures even when they're hanging off the tower. Sometimes it appears their collider is present, and they'll block pathing before their animation triggers.
+1 for this bug. I didn't notice it in Act 2 but was very apparent in Act 2 Cruel when there are more of them. They jump onto the bridge, vanish, and then teleport back down and slam. Sometimes they disappear completely and get respawned as the vultures that hang off the side on the next platform you get to.
They are glitching below the bridge/ground for around 2sec each time.
Just experienced this. Need fixing or removing until fixed.
Just experienced this - it looks like the vile vulture is still clinging to the side of the Spires of Deshar walkway, but then you are body blocked when you try to walk forward. I ended up being face to face with 3 of them and they were invisible! Bug Report ID: #620079469
+1 happening to me too, they disappear and slam nearly one shotting you. i dont know how this got past testing when so many people play hardcore
I hope they fix it soon, it so annoying, especially when they block your path before they even show up infront of you...

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