Act 2 boss is WAY too hard
I've tried a hundred times and still can't get the timing of dodging the lightning bolts, cant see the monsters coming after me during sand storm, and the alternate variant of the two lightning poles that dance around and chase you is usually the death of me. Made it 3 times out of over a hundred tries to phase two where he cuts the arena in half.
How the hell do you beat him? about ready to quit in frustration. Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 11:45:53 AM
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Its a battle of attrition. As long as you can last longer than the boss can, you win.
1. Get your lighting res as high as possible, ditch all the other res if you have to. 2. Be patient, wait for dps windows. 3. Make sure your sustain is good enough. I went MoM for this fight and that did the trick but Im building for that anyways. A friend of mine farmed life flasks and threw transmutes at them until he got "gain flaskcharges per second". That allowed him to stay in the fight long enough and he did beat the boss eventually. Leech should help too, cant tell tho cuz I dont have leech at all. It took me a looong time to beat his ass into the dirt but I got there eventually after specifically building to sustain whatever I failed to dodge and just dps a bit whenever I could w/o inviting punishment. |
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Agreed. Seeing the vast majority of players hating how hard this is. Early access is a brand new experience. You should not have to have spend 40 hours playing to beat this boss. You have to have just the right flask, gear, perfect tree, understand all the mechanics, and even then, get lucky. GGG, figure it out. A small minority of people are interested in a minimum three minute boss fight that requires grinding for gear for hours at a level where you gain no experience. It is a beta. Tone it down so we can learn the game and give feedback on what is important regarding defects, how skills work, learn build optimizations and interactions, and other things to help make the official launch great. You've made a game where the casual player simply will not and can not play the early access.
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I think you're wrong Green.
'You've made a game where the casual player simply will not and can not play the early access.' The game cleared 500k concurrent players, give people a little more credit. the boss fight is difficult but people will clear it with a few deaths, some levelling and gear optimisation. The gratifaction comes from getting a difficult win, not clearing it within 2 seconds. I felt the fight was really hard at first, slapped on a ruby and topaz ring, learnt the telegraphs after a few deaths and it was done in proably 5 deaths total, using a random self made build. Last edited by W1NDS0R#0784 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:39:17 PM
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Get lightning resist and you wont care that much if those lightning bolts hit you.
The other resists are not important for this fight, just equip whatever lightning resist items you can get. Also, check the vendors for upgrades or items with resists, because they come handy for various boss fights. |
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As for the two lightning rods that chase you, don't run away from them, they'll chase you down. Instead, run around them in a circle, they won't hit you at all.
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100% true.
i had to farm for over 4 hours to get "better" gear. i was so overleveled i couldnt gain EXP anymore. and even then i only beat the boss with alot of luck. this "soulslike" influence in games have to stop. its insane that everything must be hard and difficult. its an ARPG... i dont say make it "easyier and more zoomzoom" but these bosses are so overtuned its simply unfun... like i wrote its and ARPG! the problem is i dont have an answer to this because simply nerfing the boss wont do it. there a much more problems with the game right now. oh and if you have problems with act2 wait for act3 bosses... i had never less fun in an ARPG then in act 3. simply terrible. i will quote my friend: waste of time alt f4. |
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I agree it's bullshit. Complete shit. The amount of stupid crap you have to keep track of is ridiculous. Not to mention if you're playing a fire mage and loading the screen up with fire you're not gonna be able to see the boss' attacks for shit. You can't be the timing down on the lightning hold because the seem to go off at random and wait for you to STOP dodging before he fires them off. And by the time you get him down to about 20% he's loading the screen up with so much wind and lightning that you can't move anywhere without taking damage. And on top of it all I don't damage him for shit. EVERY other boss in act 2 I was able to kill within 1 or 2 tries and I get to the end and it's a huge road block. I really tired of this in this game. Every single time I think I'm getting good and getting stronger I get to the end of the act or whatever and it turns out my build is shit apparently. It's absolute garbage that I would need to change my entire build and gear to work around ONE boss then go back and change it back again. Complete waste of time. I'm over it. This is probably the last straw for me. It's not the difficulty per se but type of difficulty of that makes sense. I thought this game was supposed to be more open to casual players or something and that's all I really have time for.
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Yeah this is super dumb. I want my $30 back, except that by the time I get to this Act2 boss, I've obviously already played more than 2 hours.
In general, if you want me to learn attacks and/or attack patterns and dodge them, cool, I can handle that. If you want to damage sponge a boss, OK, that's annoying, but I can handle that. If you want to have some persistent damage effects around a confined fight arena, fine, I can deal with that. But if you throw out a bullet sponge boss that can 1-shot you, requiring you to dodge into damage effects that seemingly never go away, then honestly guys, wtf are we doing here. It's not at all a fun mechanic to dodge an attack only to find yourself herded into a persistent damage mechanic and have nowhere to run because it's a confined fight arena. And oh, by the way, by the time this happens, it's 10 minutes into the fight and your health flask is depleted, so now you get to waste another 10 minutes of your [actual, non-virtual] life if you want to attempt it again. Your character can revive, but those minutes of your life are never going to be refunded. If the so-called solution is to grind a few hours and find lightning resistance gear so I can beat some overtuned boss in a PvE game, then no, kindly f*** off. That's a tedious solution to a dumb game mechanic. Plenty of other games out there that won't make me want to put a fist through my monitor. |
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" You're wrong. I just started a SSF sorceress, this is my 4th character, 2 of which are clearing T15. I've played POE1 for hundreds of hours. Yet, I'm at over 10 tries, between which I went to level more, I'm lvl 35 vs lvl 32 boss and still can't beat him. Spark sorc just wont beat him even though I have Lightning pen and curse. It takes litteraly over 1000 spark casts to beat him, maybe close to 1500. I dont have the pots, even with charges per second, to tank that much dmg. I've been stuck at this boss for over 10 hours, cleared the dreadknought over 8 times to lvl to clear this boss and still stuck. This boss needs a nerf, quickly. Like, cut its health by at least 20-30%. Last edited by JmLamb#0572 on Jan 9, 2025, 12:02:30 PM
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