Can't click items on the ground while in combat

Hi, I'm on ps5.

It's not possible to target specific or even any drop item on the ground at the moment a mob appear on the screen in combat mode.

I have looked at PC live stream for poe2, and I see it's very easy to target and grab loot while in combat.

Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 5:45:49 PM
Is it so that you got a spell or ability mapped on the 'X' button? If so, this is the cause. When out of combat it switches back to the default. I think you could remap the default if you want to. Hope this helps.
Yes, Thank you

I will try to unmap X and/or reassigned X to see what feels better
It is a feature 🙂, to be able to fight once you need to survive.
Oh yes, I made the change and it is now 100% more viable :)

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