Guild Points Donation not working

As in the Title says

we started a new Guild and my mates and i would like to buy some Guild Stashes but not possible for the moment.

We go this way:
Key M, Guild, Guild Stash Tabs, Premium Guild Stash Tab, Donate Guild Points end up in the Guild Shop Menu

Other Way:
Key M, Top left + for Guild Points, donate the amount we want for example 300, donate Points, "Failed to donate Points to Guild"
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 9:42:07 PM

Same here, we can't donate to our guild, impoosible to buy guild stash.

Any solutions ?

Same here, send help!
Same for me which is annoying as want stash tabs being theyve not sent over the ones we already had in POE
Same here,

We even made the same guild, same name,
GGG could at least see the history and easily reward us our Guild tabs....

However, just getting it working would be really really nice, no lie
In the same boat. Trying to donate points to my guild. When I try to send points it says failed to donate points, an unexpected error occured.

Hope this gets fixed soon.
+1 this is very stupid that they do not want my money and totally kills the reason to even have the guild.
same problem.

Not only that, at the start of the multiplayer game - they simply do not give the opportunity to make a guild storage, although it is obvious that hundreds, if not thousands of different communities and associations of friends play this game. Just not giving the opportunity to co-op a common storage in the game is surreal

The second point, where are the tabs from poe1 that our guild bought? We spent a lot of money buying all the tabs. But they do not give them to us either.

Moreover, they do not let us buy new ones. Well done GGG.

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