Ps5 Input Lag and Scaling Issues

Guys, first of all, congratulations on the launch of this masterpiece!

Secondly, there are a few critical issues that need to be addressed ASAP, as they make the game nearly unplayable.

1st issue: Severe input lag on PS5. This makes the characters feel sluggish and unresponsive, with rolls triggering later than they should. I’m not sure if this is a server issue (I manually switched to the closest server, but it didn’t help) or if it’s caused by internal latency. Either way, this needs to be fixed immediately.

2nd issue: The game screen visibly extends beyond the TV boundaries. Please add a manual screen edge adjustment option — coding this will probably be quicker than implementing some kind of auto-adjustment. This isn’t game-breaking, but it’s quite annoying.
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 1:05:21 AM
After last patch became much better, but not ideal enough. Thanks, keep on rocking.
I have the same thing. The input lag is very large, especially in the city. It's very uncomfortable.
Same issue here. Crazy input lag. I play from Brazil but the game insist in put me Singapure, Australia, Europe servers, never on Brazil server.

How can i change servers manually in PS5 ??
Really frustrating. I was really excited, but the lag and the lag input make it unplayable. Has GGG addressed this yet?
PS5 has a system wide screen scaling option, doesnt work for PoE2 GGG needs to make that setting work.
Same issue 😖. Very annoying.
Regarding your input lag - is your gateway selection set to auto? Are you getting routed halfway around the planet?
I have the same issue plus there is sometimes strange behaviour when I have server lag in interiors like crypt but when I leave crypt everything is ok.
I had the same issue but if you change the gateway to the nearest location where you are. then the input lag should be gone.

it was working for me.

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