Gemling Minion Main-tree

i pre cooked a barebone tree for a gemling minion build.

should be roughly lvl 70-75

lots of optional defenses nearby, potentially whispers of doom if its neccessary

very flexible in what you can grab later on.

BIG DOWNSIDE: you aint getting any minion damage before lvl 25-ish, so be prepared to overlevel a tiny bit in act I

IF max res is really strong in the endgame, you might want to pivot left side next to blood magic and get the minion nodes there. im not a fan and its very heavy in points.

my plan is to go with skeletal frostmages, and feel the rest out.
Last edited by elpadre_poe#7150 on Dec 6, 2024, 1:26:46 AM
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 4:06:02 AM
I was considering doing something similar, thx for chiseling it out! ;)
I was thinking sniper skellies and I would detonate the cloud.

Which ascendency points would you take?
I was thinking left side gem levels and quality + attribute satisfied on the right side.
Do we know if the 30% reduced cost of skills apply to spirit reservation?
Last edited by Bayux#1543 on Dec 6, 2024, 9:54:11 AM
Hey, i'm a newbie on PoE, but your build seems to be what i was looking for. Do you have advice for the gems/comp to take and so on?
This looks pretty interesting.
i am newbie
which stats to lvl up
str agi or intel
Bayux#1543 wrote:
I was considering doing something similar, thx for chiseling it out! ;)
I was thinking sniper skellies and I would detonate the cloud.

Which ascendency points would you take?
I was thinking left side gem levels and quality + attribute satisfied on the right side.
Do we know if the 30% reduced cost of skills apply to spirit reservation?

It was apparently confirmed by a GGG member during a live stream that, No, the Reduced cost node does not affect spirit. As far as I can see there is 1 node in the entire current tree that affects spirit reservation, and its just a normal node, not ascendency related.

Though I guess technically the gem level ascendency does indirectly lower spirit reservation since gem level does lower spirit costs.
Last edited by isdah187#6293 on Dec 7, 2024, 2:32:39 PM
Yeah... I decided to try your build for my first playthrough...

It's rough. I'm level 17, and I've tried 4 times to kill the Count in act 1. I use 3 Skeletal frost mages, the two level 5 skeletal warriors from the Sceptre, and I blast Flame Wall, Contagion, and Essence Drain. The fight is a mega clusterfuck... I try to generate Zombies, but there isn't enough corpses.
Hi! I started on a legionnaire with grenades up to level 30-35. Then I re-speс into minions. I had a scepter +3 and 69% damage.
Gemling gives +1 to stones, which is very good, because this is the base damage. I don't know how quality will work further, but at the beginning of the game 12% quality gives a lot - 3-4 spirits from each skeleton. Another plus - I forgot about the problems with stats, I can put any stones.
This is my tree

I would like to compare Titan and Gemling. Titan will give at least +100% damage and a lot of resistance from small passive nodes. What is better +1 skill and quality or 100%+ damage to minions and a little resistance.

In fact, Infernalist only gives a dog, the rest is not so important, maybe I'm wrong.

When everyone plays with a dog and fire skulls without alternatives - it's bad.
Hej What skills Minions you use?
Dont have this build somewhere like mobalytic so can se build =)

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