Nemesis Mod Rejects recruiting for PoE 2

Nemesis Mod Rejects guild is recruiting active NA (North America) players, Canada, UK, & Australia (some will lag out in parties due to your location). Great starter guild since beginning of Delve league. Friendly... and the fun is on Discord. Guild rules are on Discord. It's mandatory to join & read the guild rules and optional to join voice communication channels. It would be great to have you as part of discord. We play mainly during SC League. Once you're in discord, more details will be provided.

Please join our discord and fill out a ticket, of the officers will review it and get in touch.

We are a long standing guild with extremely experienced endgame players but we are happy to take on committed players no matter the experience so long as your mature and willing to learn.
Last bumped on Dec 5, 2024, 3:20:33 PM

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