Will POE 1 Really Get Support?

I am not planning to play POE 2 as I do not like a single portal hardcore endgame. I know, I am not a real gamer. Nonetheless, I am hoping POE 1 still gets supported and we will have new leagues. Do you think we will still get a decent amount of support for POE 1?
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 5:41:26 AM
same as now i guess. certainly wont be more just because the EA is out. i just hope it wont be even less than we are currently getting.
Once PoE2 is safely launched into the Early Access waters, you'll see more activity on the PoE1 side for sure. You're getting a new league in early 2025 for starters (approx. end of January was the timeframe GGG mentioned) and I expect a more regular cadence of releases next year than happened this year. Maybe not four leagues, but it should be three and not only two. 2024 was just a rather exceptional year with PoE2 needing a lot more work than they'd predicted.

So, yes, PoE1 is going to continue to be supported as long a enough people are playing it, and enough people love PoE1 just the way it is for that to keep going for years. Which is GGG's plan, according to both Mark and Jonathan.
Stay sane, exiles!
Something about rising tides and boats and stuff.

Last I checked the POE team had balooned from 8 to 20 people (and somebody that can fact check me should fact check me), and a lot of the art assets are being pulled from whats being set up for POE2, and I could not speculate about how many people are working on POE2 as I've heard 200, 300, and 400 at different points.

Also, the better question is "What is the current timeline on Path of Exile 4.0 and when should we expect to see more about that". They promised a lot of stuff at exilecon 2019 and we're 5 years on from that.
IGN : Reamus
Thanks for the info. I appreciate the responses.
I believe it's the hope of GGG that players will switch between the two games which is why they'll be staggering the leagues of both games as to optimize this happening.
Poe 1 hardcore mode is dead. Not sure who needs support.
They will support poe 1 as long as it make profit.

Although in my opinion,they should close poe 1 after Poe 2 full release.

Both games will interfere with each other, put a spoke in each other's wheels, so to speak. My bigest concern is player base separation,wich might lead to very unstable economy in both games.
POE 2 is not hard,it's tedious and boring.
They will definitely not support POE1 as much as POE2, probably a skeleton crew to port the new leagues from poe2, expect bugfixes for poe1 to take much longer now. They have two quite different games on their hands spread across pc/ xbox/ ps. A dev's nightmare.

My guesstimate is POE1 is dead in two/ three years if POE2 really is successful.
Second-class poe gamer
I agree on that analysis. Depending on how successful POE2 will be and after it's full release, maybe after a year or so, POE1 days are numbered as GGG will likely go on full support only for POE2.

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