Support does not respond to my emails

I wanted to log in to Steam to buy a Poe2 early access key and saw that a Steam account that I don't use is linked to my account. I don't have the authority to remove my Steam ID from the site. In the past, when I contacted support, they would respond to my emails every hour and solve my problem immediately. I understand that their job is difficult, but I'm a little upset that I haven't heard back in 4 days.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 9:04:47 AM
If you've already contacted us via email at then I'm afraid you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We're currently handling a large volume of tickets right now so we really appreciate your patience in the meantime!
Thank you for your immediate response to the thread. Not receiving a response for 4 days has already caused me to lose faith. I hope that the ticket I opened among all those tickets will not be forgotten and I wish you good work.
Tai_GGG wrote:
If you've already contacted us via email at then I'm afraid you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We're currently handling a large volume of tickets right now so we really appreciate your patience in the meantime!

When I look at the forum right now, everyone is struggling with the same problem. I don't believe anyone's problem has been solved. If there is a problem, we want to be informed.
Tai_GGG wrote:
If you've already contacted us via email at then I'm afraid you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We're currently handling a large volume of tickets right now so we really appreciate your patience in the meantime!

If they really can't handle the intensity, they should put a remove button like in social media or a change button like in the email section, so we can do it ourselves and take the burden off you.
I have 2 emails sent 1 have 2 weeks and half when the merge was an option
Than i sent another email with images to clarify more my situation hmm must have 1 week...
Weel i just want to have my skins before the PoE 2 launch, cuz when the games comes out... They will left us alone with that i guess
Same here

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