Xbox Family sharing - early access

Hello community.
I have a question concerning family sharing on xbox. As Xbox users we are able to link 2 consoles to create a family. Most of games and services then are shared between 2 consoles(Xbox game pass, games, and more).
I just bought POE2 early access but my son has second console in his room and we are linked as family. Will he be able to play also using my early access?
We are playing right now D4 together on 1 license and it would be awesome to be able to do the same with POE2.
Kind regards.
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2024, 1:09:49 PM
This question is very specific, my friend! Send an email to and they will give you the right answer about this case!
Does that mean that nobody asked that question before? All my xbox friends are curious about it.
As a rule of thumb (and in no way at all an answer to your question) game sharing as you describe only works with games themselves and not with ‘in game content’. How that might apply to your question, and I can’t say for sure either way, is in theory it should work but in practise (as Poe 1 and 2 are free games that are micro transactions driven) it might not.
TLDR no one can know (the last time there was such a key driven ‘event’ with GGG was before console version existed) except GGG and they 99.99% won’t tell us, so you will have to wait and try it.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Its simply impossible to find the answer, this is so wrong. Its like noone knows it.
Came here just for this also.
I guess we will all learn together today!

It would sure be nice to just know ahead of time as my wife and I are both wanting to have a POE2 weekend....
From what I can tell it was a big 'Hell no' from the devs.
I had to purchase two copies in order for my wife and I to both play.
Not at the same time would only let her use it if I was not even logged in my my account, even if I was not playing POE2.

60.00 for the right to be a beta tester for a free to play game is a bit much.
30.00 was fine, but to not allow us to share it is a bit harsh IMO.

But not that we can play it right now anyway, constant kick out and then sitting in a queue with 15k people in front of us.

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