Necro Settlers Feedback - Experience

It's been interesting playing through the settlers experience a second time, trying to learn from the first playthrough and not make the same mistakes again.
I had the initial assumption that it was just the lantern being added, but it's not the only addition. All the additional packs from allflames, which has been interesting.
Positives; The additional mobs seem to have increased gold intake throughout the campaign. Added a new flavour to some areas/maps, early game meatsacks have provoked a few forum posts. Nice to be able to collect league currency from all leagues just in mob packs. I believe some of this should go core, because each zone has interesting and strong packs now, i wasn't just blinding going through a map thinking that it's all just trash mobs that drop trash.

Negatives; Some combinations of mobs early game can really brick a map, I had "accompanied by harbinger" and popped a strongbox and 8 came out and just flooded the map, my league starter couldn't compete with the sheer volume of mobs. It certainly increases the pressure on having a good league starter and whilst this presents a unique opportunity at end game, I also fear this raises the build requirements for late game. If your build isn't exceptional late game, you are definitely going to struggle with endgame maps.

and of course I will mention the hourly rotation of mods, we have to sleep, some of us even have to work... so casual players are falling well behind the curve not being able to take up the opportunity to farm manifested wealth mobs whilst they are available. It's huge fomo, I can't even rush shipyard fast enough to compete with some of the map mods people are able to farm. It's brutal.
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 5:54:35 PM
Ive been playing this super casual as work is busy, really only got today and a small portion of yesterday to play the league so far, not yet at the holiday/off schedule yet.

FOMO is a player issue. Nothing can be done about that. I see it as an excuse more than anything limiting.

Really gonna miss this form of progression though cause man everything about the town is just so good. You basically send a shipment out and come back and always have something to upgrade with.

Any excess gold can be saved or used in black market for even more gains as well.

Getting tattoos in the campaign is pretty funny lol. This is gonna be a pretty great send off for the year.

Mash the clean
Mashgesture wrote:
Getting tattoos in the campaign is pretty funny lol.

I had Kaom join my fight with Brutus during Act 1, in the prison, it was an intense encounter, I loved it. Got my 1c tattoo
Last edited by Jixa87#1706 on Nov 10, 2024, 5:19:03 PM
Hadn't played since Ancestors and hadn't kept up with the news until PoE 2. I went blind into Necro Settlers without knowing either league mechanic. I'm pretty much a "casual" hardcore ssf player who has mostly just played the campaign over the years. I also was typically playing ruthless. Comparatively the power level is kind of insane, but feels GREAT with all the campaign modifiers! I wasn't sure what was league and what were campaign reworks (Bandit change is pretty major), but I really enjoy seeing guaranteed "sampler" spawns of all the end game mechanics (or their resources) with weights towards certain zones. Adds more character to each area and is probably a good way to learn them with lower stakes.

The treasury timer from Settlers is a good motivation to keep grinding just a bit more, the rewards for shipments are insane.

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