Scion Ascendancy - Inheritor of the Vaal [Fanmade]
![]() Notes: Wording should read "Vaal skills are automatically used when they reach maximum charge". Too lazy to re-edit and reupload. Wording should read "Vaal and Atziri uniques grant onslaught". Theme: The scion is from a noble upbringing and is used to being surrounded by luxury. After being exiled to wraeclast she found that corrupting items gave them a certain uniqueness which to her is a high form of artistry that she appreciates. She became obsessed with corrupted items, which naturally led her to become obsessed with the Vaal. Her obsession caused her to utilize corrupted items in ways regular people don't understand. Gameplay: Some of the early nodes encourage the player to corrupt their gear early, allowing players to be reckless and simply slapping vaal orbs everywhere without breaking their build too much. At the later stages, players can fully immerse themselves in corrupted gear or choose instead to harness vaal skills more frequently and even automate vaal skills if theyre feeling a little lazy. [Removed by Support] Last edited by exsea#1724 on Nov 8, 2024, 12:27:09 AM Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 9:02:35 PM
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" liked the idea, but i think the "onlaught node" could fit with the idea/theme better. since it limits you use specific unique/uniques to get the effect. I think it could become give x effect depending on which slot its on, kinda like weapon master of the new gladiator, for example onslaught if the boots are vaal/atizir unique, 30-40% increased defences in the body armour if the body armour is the theme. But this may be because i take onslaught too much for granted due to the build i play having permanent onslaught due to rampage, and the ones i theorycraft get permanent onslaught due to flask+ charge on crit Edit=forgot to add an explanation why i think what i said fits more the idea, since it would reward and give extra bonuses to incentive you to stack vaal/atiziri uniques Last edited by suriuken#0100 on Nov 8, 2024, 5:39:01 AM
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" i actually did think of that, but there already are a lot of conditional notables. but now that you point it out, its weaker than raider's onslaught node which not only does not have no conditions, but also has some effectiveness. having bonuses being conditional based on slot would be hard to balance. what do you think if it was changed to: Vaal and Atziri uniques grant onslaught. If any are corrupted they also grant phasing. If at least 3 are equipped they grant unholy might. Non bow 2 handers count as 2. [Removed by Support] Last edited by exsea#1724 on Nov 8, 2024, 11:32:21 AM
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This is your third weird Scion iteration this week (?) and I'm just gonna say it, I don't know how you keep coming up with these but they're incredibly whack and have no place in this game. In my opinion anyway.
Hard pass. |
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" yeah, thats better, unholy might imo not only is a strong effect that is very hard to get but also fits with the vaal corruption theme because of its chaos damage, and it allows you to use either the two handed axe from atziri, or use a rare weapon depending on your other items, very cool edit=one thing i tought now after a while writting this message is that one problem this could create is creating a type of "set" items, that ggg dosent like too much if they where to add extra ascedancy for scion and take some ideas from here Last edited by suriuken#0100 on Nov 8, 2024, 7:13:17 PM
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Poe 2 approach:
Just remove Scion out of the game Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
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" I'm completely for this. Scion stopped serving any purpose when they added ascendancies to the base classes and the game stopped being "build anything, it all works, your class is just the starting point for your tree." |
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not very fond of this one is just all about corrupted and vaal gems.
i rather make it gems and jewels in general with a branch for corruption say: gemling Ascendancy: gems branch: gems afinity :% increase quality of skill gems per jewel socketed in the tree % increase quality of support gems per jewel socketed in the gear gems resonance: Non-Unique Jewels cause Small and Notable Passive Skills in a Large Radius to also grant x flat damage to attacks and spells based on highest attribute (str= fire, int = lightning and dex = cold) self found league fan |
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" I actually agree with this is partially. back when she was first released she embodied the "make your own class" class, her starting position was her greatest asset, allowing her to branch into different parts of the tree in more efficient ways compared to other classes, such as shadow+marauder. it takes less points to reach the 2 areas vs a marauder pathing to a shadow's area. and yeah once they added ascendencies she was in a very bad spot where she has no real identity and the power you get from choosing a specialized class would typically be much better than an ascendant. but that said, the scion is already rooted into POE1, GGG would rather have her remain as she is until end of time rather than remove her from the game. some players do like using scion too. in fact, i like the idea behind the scion. unfortunately shes really not getting any love. " i actually had that idea as well, but there was some intersect between the last fanmade pathforger ascendancy that i made so i didnt want both of them having concepts that were too similar. since ggg made the warden centered around tinctures i felt that it would be interesting to centre a class around vaal/corruption " agreed, i actually hate itemsets myself too, just that by itself alone the notable would be weak. requiring 3 items forces the player to make build choices whether or not its worth sacrificing an item slot or 2 in order to get the last buff. " The first one i came up with was due to the other thread where people mentioned how it would be nice if the ascendant could be more powerful and could just use other class ascendancies. and for sure it was too OP and it did get criticized. the second one was one that i analyzed the criticism and made changes based on the criticism. this is how things improve. we start with an idea, it might be shit, but we learn and improve. i m happy that the improved one was accepted by most people. whether or not GGG implements it is a different story. the third was me just throwing out another idea. i've taken note that you don't like any of them and i've mentally noted it as "you don't like it because it doesnt fit into POE" and i'll not make any changes based on your feedback because its more akin to "i dont like the entire thing, just forget it". theres nothing i can build or improve from criticism like that. but i m fine with it. as long as theres no toxicity and i hope theres no toxicity from your criticism, its valid to say that you feel like it doesnt belong in the game. for me the reason why i post ideas out like this is because i am passionate and i want reasons for me to play POE1. heck, who knows GGG might get ideas from whatever i posted. the interesting thing i've observed is that some of my suggestions did actually make it into the game. whether or not GGG drew inspiration or they came up with the ideas that coincided with what i posted i actually do gain some sort of satisfaction seeing GGG implementing things that aligned with ideas i had. for example this viper strike of precision. it did not make it into the game but if you look at the current perfect agony you can see some similarities. also i've posted several times about weapon swapping attacks. where pressing a button would automatically swap to an alternate weapon loadout, execute the attack/skill, then automatically swaps back to the original weapon. i cant remember if i posted on these forums but i did post it on reddit a long time ago. it got downvoted a lot and met a lot of criticism wiht only a few people voicing support. interestingly its now a core feature that's "mindblowing" in POE2. and yeah i m not deluded enough to claim that all of it is my idea and ggg definitely could have come up with the same idea independently. i also am aware i put out 1001 different feedback and most of them dont see the light of day and are swiftly forgotten. but still. voicing out suggestions is almost always a good thing. it gives the devs ideas and it shows that the community is engaged. but of course theres nothing wrong not giving any ideas and just lurking/commenting on threads. putting trust into the devs is also a fine thing to do. iirc, one forummer actually gave the plain idea of just buffing melee damage by a huge bunch. its pretty bland, not interesting but is an easy to implement change. most of us didnt think GGG would want to do that. but thats exactly what happened. the ONLY reason that i actually reinstalled POE to play settlers was to test out this melee change. its good, and i m still playing and will continue on until the league ends or when i get tired of it. all thanks to that "plain" suggestion that forumer made. [Removed by Support]
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lol i like to think that my fanmade ascendancy now lives on as a gemling legionnaire and architect of chaos/disciple of trialmaster
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