3.26 timeline when?? usually we would have it already..
usually we would have a timeline for 3.26 expansion(poe1)..
4month will be in November so i was wondering if they are not going to make a 3.26 league since poe2 early access launch? would be ncie to know for poeple that will finish the 3 acts(rumored) poe2 demo and want to go play the poe1 league. 🆃🆆🅸🆃🅲🅷.🆃🆅/NForceTV (🆀🅲/🅴🅽 🆂🆃🆁🅴🅰🅼) Last bumped on Oct 21, 2024, 12:38:01 PM
Go off the countdown on POE DB. Currently an estimate, but they will update accordingly as soon as GGG puts anything out.
https://poedb.tw/us/ “Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”