Releasing Beasts

I would like to draw your attention to releasing beast problem.

When we decide to run with Einhar (all passivs for atlas + all scarabs), we catch an average of 40 beasts per map, this means our menagerie is filling up very quickly. Let's be honest - out of everything we caught, we are interested in 20 beasts at most, we have to release the rest and this is where the problem begins:

To free the beasts, we must click the triangle and then confirm our willingness to release them by clicking the X sounds easy but...

We have to do it every 50 maps or so. This means that to release 1,500 beasts we have to click 3,000 times. If we devote ourselves completely to this task, we can release a maximum of 2 beasts per second. Which means that every 50 maps we waste at least 13 minutes just to clear the menagerie. 13 minutes is an extremely optimistic assumption, 20-25 minutes is more realistic.

The whole thing has 3 negative effects:

1. finger pain - really, fast clicking with just the thumb causes pain, while clicking with two different fingers alternately is not so effective and our time spent on freeing the beast increases
2. constant rapid clicking of two buttons destroys the controller, and I would like to add that they are not cheap
3. it causes irritation resulting from wasted time that could be used more effectively to enjoy PoE

Proposed solution:

Add "free all beasts" option, or at least give up the confirmation with an X, rapid clicking one button is much better then two.

Last edited by Gniewoszowaty#9736 on Oct 3, 2024, 1:25:13 AM
Last bumped on Oct 3, 2024, 3:32:39 AM
I don't personally use beasts the same you do... but while we're asking for some Einhar Upgrades, could the Beastcrafting page just display a count of yellow beasts right on the screen where you pick a recipe?

It's really annoying to run out of yellow beasts half way through a project, and there's no easy way to count them myself.

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