Maven Interfere makes Abomination Map uncompletable

The Mod that will make Maven follow you through the map to interfere with you and monsters, bricks the Abomination Map Completion.

I dont know about other mods, but Ive played it twice with this maven mod and it bricked completion both times. Should be easily reproducable.

Steps to reproduce
1. Abomination with Maven interfers with Player
2. Kill the Godless Three.
You will notice that the Last Boss (Amalgam, Nightmare whatever) spawns after two of the three are dead and not after the last one.
3. Kill the Abomination.
You will notice that the/a few apparitions of the godless three still persist and still attack you.

I did notice that once shavronne had 2 apparitions. On the other bricked map there was only 1 shavronne apparition left.
Maybe thats a helpful info.

Waiting, attacking blindly in hope of killing smth invisible, clearing the map fully. nothing seems to work. They DO damage you but I doubt they count as "there" because I didnt get any endurance stacks with Enduring Cry.

But they count towards the Map Boss being "still alive" and therefore the map doesnt get the Completed status.
The boss drop from the big Nightmare Abomination thing did drop after the kill though so thats nice. But it was annoying during the 50x T17 Map GGG Challenge.

Sadly I couldnt get a /debug screenshot, just the bug report number and a screenshot. No map modifiers on the overlay because I guess that is bugged as well when using controller mode.
But I think I found and killed all other monsters on the map to make sure they count as monsters being alive.

Hope it helps and btw: yes, pls fix the map mods for controller support and the sometimes extremely loud "unique" drop effect.

Bug Number: 2.875.614.562
Last bumped on Feb 1, 2025, 9:38:53 PM
Same issue bug ref No: 1 882 244 306

When you are working towards 40/40 and a 300+ quant Abominaation map bricked its pretty annoying...

Reproduction is the same, and I got Shavronne as the "alive" apparition as well.
So it can be an issue with these 2 mobs specially.

As you can see on the picture the blockade on the enterance is demolished, so technically the Boss is dead... I even try to kill again in the Rituals (2 times) but sadly not fixing the issue.
Same issue with Maven interference causing the amalgamation to spawn when only 2/3 phase one bosses were completed. Phase one Doedre was still alive and full health while I fought the amalgamation. I killed the amalgamation, received uber fragments, the boss door opened, etc., but the map won't complete even after I killed the phase one Doedre. I can also get Doedre's ghost to follow me throughout the level.

Reference #: 445,402,997

Same issue here. Reference #:

map not completed although Trinity has been killed (also dropped loot). Boss area can be entered without entrance, so the Bosses can target you outside the boss room and damage you. - did not die during fight but after second Shavronne (the last remaining boss) has been killed.
There was no second Trinity. Maven still cloned Bosses during the fight.
did extra damage with orichalcum ore and killed Maligaro with it. He died and his illusion appeared. Damaged Shavronne to half-life with it.

Even before the Trinity was summoned after Maligaro (the first boss) had been killed the fight bugged out and whenever Maven healed, both Shavronne and Doedre got set to full life in an instant (had soul of ryslatha allocated in pantheon: 50% reduced life regeneration rate). I had to damage them without a break to get them killed.
I believe Doedre was killed before Shavronne, when her life was reduced to zero her illusion appeared in the area and started to attack. Whatsoever Doedre herself was set to full life again and continued to cast her abilities.
After that I killed Shavronne, (same behavior as with Doedre: her Illusion appeared and started to attack, she remained alive and got set to full life again.)

To conclude the state until then: there are illusions of Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre. There are also bosses: Shavronne and Doedre.
After Shavronne was killed the first time the Trinity spawned and behaved normally.

However, now there were the Trinity, Shavronne and Doedre with additional illusions of Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre (and Maven periodically cloning one of the bosses, too)

After Doedre summoned her totems I had an even harder time and just damaged what I could. Shavronne and Doedre were set to full life again by Maven. I could not kill them with the slowing debuffs. The Trinity however lost life and was not set to full life again. So after a while it died and dropped loot. Shavronne's and Doedre's Illusion however remained. The totems dissapeared after some time and I managed to kill Doedre by continuosly damaging her. I believe her illusions stayed until I killed Shavronne, too. However Shavronne did not die like Doedre but became a second illusion of herself. I died in an instant of two illusions firing at me since I expected it to go away by then.

After I entered the map again, the boss room was open. There was no entrance that had to be clicked to enter the boss room. However the two illusions of Shavronne remained and even targeted me outside of the boss room.
The map counts as not completed by pressing tab. Two monsters remaining, possibly the two illusions. I did not check.
I entered the map again after a while to see if the bug persisted and it did: two invincible illusions of Shavronne remaining, map not completed. Maven did not further buff the two illusions.

All illusions and bosses were able to deal damage.

Additional Screenshots and map mods:

Edit: there actually had been two illusions of Doedre after she was killed the second time. They disappeared at an unknown time during the fight.
Last edited by Saya301#5841 on Feb 1, 2025, 9:44:07 PM

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