Light Mods Gauntlet Practice

Hey guys,

Throwing together a private league with some fairly light mods following the Ziz gauntlet announcement - presumably closer to the map mods than the campaign mods, but we have limited deets yet and better than nothing. If this fills up we could always crowd fund.

I'll try to update as I see registrants, but feel free to PM me in game. Would be nice to have some chat going throughout the practice runs as well!
Last bumped on Sep 16, 2024, 7:11:02 PM
what global chat?
Arbitrary global chat is 7245
Up to 30 folks, so if people want to contribute to a crowd fund, we'll keep increasing.
had some leftover points I tossed in to open some more spots up
nice, thanks,

but are you sure the league has no - resist mod ? We do not know yet.
Assuming nothing has been announced yet (just getting off work) -

We know nothing about the campaign except it'll be "hard", so I wouldn't be surprised if there was L/GMP, area, definitely some kind of damage. Maps, Ziz mentioned haste and damage, and drastically easier than past gauntlets.

Minus res is a possibility of course, but that's also something you can limit test by just removing some pieces of gear.

Crowdfunding for another 10 folks now.

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