Add instilling orbs to life flasks, or make Master Surgeon automate life flasks

This is my first league playing a Pathfinder since the rework and the experience is absolutely abysmal having to press my life flask every 5 seconds and the first time I've ever sympathized with people complaining about wrist pain in PoE. I guess my right hand is tougher than my left.

Please consider doing anything to make Master Surgeon playable without a monotonous no-skill mechanic that is just draining to do for hours on end. It's a really cool node conceptually and build-wise, but it's a terrible experience play-wise.

If there was ever a point where I'm making a decision to "save my life flask", I'd understand that not having them automated creates skill expression, but with master surgeon there's almost no reason to "save" my flask. There's no skill expression in pressing a mandatory button every 5 seconds regardless of what's happening on my screen.
Last bumped on Sep 8, 2024, 2:11:20 PM

Never put the new 'Master Surgeon' on a Pathfinder and this (IMO major design error) is the reason.

I want to use Pathfinder for less flask micro, not for more.

(Unfortunately Warden new Tinctures continue this trend of 'dumb periodic button presses'.)
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Personally, I don't find Tinctures to be a huge problem because their frequency needing to be pressed is significantly lower and there is actually at least some sort of decision making around turning them on unless you're a very specific build with "infinite" hp regen or "exactly one" mana
Explodinator wrote:
Personally, I don't find Tinctures to be a huge problem because their frequency needing to be pressed is significantly lower and there is actually at least some sort of decision making around turning them on unless you're a very specific build with "infinite" hp regen or "exactly one" mana
I meant the Warden version with 'Enduring Suffusion' and the mastery 'Tinctures deactivate at 12 mana burn'. For this version you supposedly (havent played) have 100% uptime as long as you press the button at exactly the right time. There is no decision making involved. Its just a dumb button press when the clock ticks. Or worse: Two dumb button presses if you also have 'Experienced Herbalist'.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Honestly it would be overpowered. They would have to nerf it to add this function. Its too much regen to be automated
The current version doesn't require you to press the health potion every 5 actually provides exactly what the OP is asking for.

The fact that it doesn't queue and doesn't expire on full life means you can pop it right before a boss and have full life regen effect for the complete length of time of the flask.....which can get to be quite long with flask duration. One button press on a life flask for pretty much the entire boss or hard encounter.

It's like activating any "buff" that you use in PoE. And with pathfinder it is an ENORMOUS buff.

Your build shouldn't require that life flask being up 100% of the time.....unless you are ready to press it all the time. But that is a CHOICE you make, not forced micro.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 7, 2024, 11:14:39 AM
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Honestly it would be overpowered. They would have to nerf it to add this function. Its too much regen to be automated

It is automated (by us) though and balancing it around being inconsistent when it isn't just feels punitive.

having significant power behind press a key every 5-6s is just not good design IMO its just redundant.

Now obviously it has problems with the fact not everybody will have 100% uptime but again that feels like designing a keystone around players not using it properly.

I can see why you think it would need reducing to add that function but honestly if they added it as part of the bench craft for life flasks i'd take that - no automation at full strength, 20% less flask healing if automated.

Would sign up for that all day, can use an automated one for all regular content and switch it for bosses.

Its my #1 gripe with pathfinder which has become an ascendancy i love for its overall balance and playability - I love full flask uptime and the fact I don't have to potion piano, reintroducing piano just feels like an own goal lol I may as well piano the lot.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Sep 7, 2024, 1:17:37 PM
its not piano though, its just 1 flask.

They should change it how alkaizer memes about. just remove all monsters and all the loot is on the ground when you walk into a map and youre instantly lvl 100
They should change it how alkaizer memes about. just remove all monsters and all the loot is on the ground when you walk into a map and youre instantly lvl 100

This is not the dunk you think it is to anyone with a half functioning brain.

Also it's you're** not youre, therefore you're wrong.
Explodinator wrote:
They should change it how alkaizer memes about. just remove all monsters and all the loot is on the ground when you walk into a map and youre instantly lvl 100

This is not the dunk you think it is to anyone with a half functioning brain.

Also it's you're** not youre, therefore you're wrong.

omg youre so cool. one day when i grow up i want to correct peoples punctuation on the internet.

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