Please fix the Soul Eater modifier.

Monsters that have this modifier in maps grow so powerful they can completely break the map they are on. They are nigh indiscernible from the mass until it's too late and when then half the map joins for a peek these bastards grow so powerful that they have fullscreen attacks, an attack rate where they look like they are spazzing rather than actually doing something, hit for half my hp for each of these hits and a healthpool that would make even the toughest boss jealous.

I can easily get stuck in a 5 minute fight with these fuckers while everything that comes to have a look dies to literal bunny farts. Please rebalance this mechanic so that the monster doesn't absorb as much soul from white monsters as they would yellows and lower the diminishing returns for this attribute so that the numbers at least remain sensible.

Oh and yes, they can also be hasted...

There is also other yellows that seemingly take no damage for no discernible reason (no modifiers that would suggest it) while everything else dies at a reasonable rate. I'd like you to check the numbers on what the system can spawn as the game has a tendency to spawn monsters that put bosses to shame quite often.

I don't mind a yellow being 10 times more powerful than a blue, but it being 50 times more powerful than the map boss it resides in is most definitely a problem.
Fear the army of dots:
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2024, 11:15:07 PM
A start would be to put a cap on it between various levels of content from story > white maps > yellow maps > red maps > t17etc

Same thing with those tendrilmsters throwing out a billion volatiles, Cmon.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 10:15:06 AM
I used to think it's my duty to kill every monster in the map. It#s not^^ You can just skip them often enough.
At some point in the league, if you play long enough, it shouldn't matter anymore unless you really don't care about optimizing your build, but in the earlier stages just skip them if you can. Yes, soul eater is anoying, but you don't have to spend time and energy to defeat it in most cases. One exception is the Burial Chamber Boss if you want that atlas point. Haha, gl exile xd
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 6, 2024, 10:28:51 AM

Optimal game play is to skip all yellow mobs.
It may seem odd but its true.

Do not engage with any of them and you are better off.
Run right through the pack kill what dies on the way through .. keep going don't look back ..

the 2 min spent killing something .....
Is not worth it.

They drop nothing are worth nothing but have the attack and hit points to one tap you . Smart move is ... ignore them all ..

There was a time they were desirable .. you used to juice the maps by getting as many yellows as you could .... thats when they were treasure boxes and were like finding loot... you were happy to see them.

They are now map obstacles ... picture them as grenades.
Or a fire pit , or a ground effect and just run on by ...

You will have more loot, be a higher level and be having more fun.
Most yellow mobs are cancer and should just be avoided.
Just go futher, pass them and wait until its wears off and then kill it.

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