Just reported POE on PS store

I just sent an email to PS support and reported POE for PS as scam. Reason: i sent money to GGG over microtransactions, but GGG made by publishing last updates this game unplayable for me. It is clearly not my fault for many of console players suffer the same issues as me. The worst thing is, GGG does not communicate with players concerning this situation anymore or better to say just ignores us. For me it is clear kind of scam behavior: take my money and do not deliver a minimum of play-ability.
Last bumped on Nov 5, 2024, 5:32:14 AM
EdgyHamster wrote:
I just sent an email to PS support and reported POE for PS as scam. Reason: i sent money to GGG over microtransactions, but GGG made by publishing last updates this game unplayable for me. It is clearly not my fault for many of console players suffer the same issues as me. The worst thing is, GGG does not communicate with players concerning this situation anymore or better to say just ignores us. For me it is clear kind of scam behavior: take my money and do not deliver a minimum of play-ability.
here's to hoping that sony might slap their rapacious hand for reaching for our money, despite failing to produce a stable product
The right thing to do is for everyone on PlayStation 5 to abandon the season. Only then will GGG see the lack of respect on its part towards PlayStation 5 players.
Sadly for PoE 1 this is unlikely to have any dramatic effect, console players (PS and XB combined) are likely less than 10% of the PC player base.
Whilst it would be noticed, the lack of ‘love’ console has historically received is based on time-cost vs return.
Hopefully due to its unified market and cross play PoE 2 will be an entirely different experience for us on console.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
I was trying to find a similar fucntion on Xbox, unsuccesfully though.. I commend you for going that route, and if anyone knows how to report this non-functioning game to Microsoft, please let me know..
HolgerDanske891 wrote:
I was trying to find a similar fucntion on Xbox, unsuccesfully though.. I commend you for going that route, and if anyone knows how to report this non-functioning game to Microsoft, please let me know..

"Non-functioning game"? Yet you got 32/40 challenges? Why do you continue to play so much of a game you dislike so badly that you want to report it? How will they ever realize the game doesn't work for you when you seem to be playing at length just fine? Smh. This community needs help. So many of you are helplessly addicted and delusionally angry. Also, no problems in the game for me since the PS5 update! Maybe it's your internet or console...
Theocretus wrote:
HolgerDanske891 wrote:
I was trying to find a similar fucntion on Xbox, unsuccesfully though.. I commend you for going that route, and if anyone knows how to report this non-functioning game to Microsoft, please let me know..

"Non-functioning game"? Yet you got 32/40 challenges? Why do you continue to play so much of a game you dislike so badly that you want to report it? How will they ever realize the game doesn't work for you when you seem to be playing at length just fine? Smh. This community needs help. So many of you are helplessly addicted and delusionally angry. Also, no problems in the game for me since the PS5 update! Maybe it's your internet or console...

No,it is not my internet or xbox, check the forum to see how many has similar problems..I don't dislike the game in any way, i dislike the crashes and lack of support from GGG.

Yes i play what i can, then game crashes and i get annoyed as it happens on specific mechanics, which i try to avoid, but it is the exact mechanics i happen to like which makes me even more annoyed..
And yes, i could just stop playing, but i won't as i have fun when it works. But, i can stop buying fromt heir store, which i will be adhering to going forward.

What annoys me most is the lack of any sort of support from GGG, hence the wanting to report the game to try and force some sort of response to the problems.
Theocretus wrote:
HolgerDanske891 wrote:
I was trying to find a similar fucntion on Xbox, unsuccesfully though.. I commend you for going that route, and if anyone knows how to report this non-functioning game to Microsoft, please let me know..

"Non-functioning game"? Yet you got 32/40 challenges? Why do you continue to play so much of a game you dislike so badly that you want to report it? How will they ever realize the game doesn't work for you when you seem to be playing at length just fine? Smh. This community needs help. So many of you are helplessly addicted and delusionally angry. Also, no problems in the game for me since the PS5 update! Maybe it's your internet or console...

Dude, so what that someone did some challanges? I didn't even pay attention to these and have 27 comleted. Most of them was allready finished in first 20 days of the current League, so thinking like You, I should say, that the game was playlable at this time?
Example: do some bligts, rituals and few orher mechanics couple time and You will finish a challange. It doesn't matter, that the game crashed like 30 times durning that time right?
I am very glad that the patience of the players is at its limit. GGG will not react to our problem. With their silence, they indicate that if the game does not work, then do not play. No one forces you.
im confused by this?? what exactly isnt working? PS4 and Ps5 app is working fine and more than well enuff to be playable, ontop of this i signed back into my Ps4 pro and tested that out again works fine?

if you have purchased MTX points and not recieved them (via the psn store on ps5) then sign into the PS4 app and the points will appear once you go onto the GGG ingame transaction store (on the ps4 app)

then once you have done this you can sign back into the Ps5 app and the points will be on ur account to spend (this is because the ingame MTX store has not been fully set up via sony yet as GGG stated)

as for actually playing the game i have zero issues on either app....maybe you have corrupted you playstation somehow maybe the hardward of youre machine is faulty (this happens alot with older models of console) not the game dev/companys fault.

sorry to hear ur having issues but that "route" you have decided to go will not end the way you might expect Sony will do nothing towards GGG and then you will be left in the same position you are now just with one less place to complain or excuse to use rather than putting you hand in your pocket and buying a up to date gaming system.

rather than looking at the "this game is unplayable" think to yourself are you on PS5? prob not, are you on a old model of Ps4? or are you on a ps4 pro? and again Ps5 is now minimum 4 years old came out in 2020 if you were on a PC this would be like 5 years old graphic cards back

modern games that come out require better opperating systems gaming companies are not here to "hold back there game and hold back opperating system to suit people on older consoles or PC's" these are updated all the time

so maybe its time to get a modern system because i have a PS5, n Ps4 pro bother work fine with there respective systems fine (PS4 app/PS5 app), HOWEVER my PC is 1050i hella out of date and as such CAN NOT run POE at all so guess what i dont play POE on it... until i buy a new PC i understand it doesnt work and rightly so

so just some based truth on what i presume is this situation rather than complain about soemthing outside of GGG maybe look at alternatives that might be the causing factor
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Oct 20, 2024, 1:24:51 AM

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