Gold Improvement

I know I am not the only one that thinks the gold costs are wildly over priced. I know GGG had a vision for how the league would go and work. Seeing as the league has been out for some time, it would be really nice to improve the gold situation, so it is a bit less of a time sync just to keep your town going. As someone who can only play a hour or two most days it is almost impossible to keep up with town costs. I find myself really enjoying this league until I look at time left until town has depleted gold reserves.

This has lead me to think of things that could improve this that I would think would not be too hard for them to tune.

1. Increase gold amount dropped
2. Reduce worker costs
3. This is the wilder one that could be something for other leagues in the future. Make a scaling increase to rarity over the league, maybe like every month of the league give a general amount of rarity increase. I think I saw someone say that it affects gold, which would help with gold costs. Also it would give people like me (who cannot spend tons of time playing in a day) a better opportunity to get some higher stuff.

Thanks for a GGG league mechanic, hopefully this will be the first time I can go deep into the league.
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 1:53:26 AM

This is what's really driving me away from playing this league. The fact that I have to manage a town is just really daunting, to me. It just makes it play like a fucking mobile game, and I despise mobile games.

But I understand some people like playing this way, and I can still agree on your points, even though I don't like the league.
Last edited by Aulyx on Aug 24, 2024, 6:57:41 PM
It should be very apparent to GGG that the gold system right now is a deterrent to the league. You know the system is to far under if even Streamer are having to work for the system to work normally. I know Zizaran has talked about it a few times already.
How y'all manage your home finances?

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