Build help please

Currently playing a ci vaal smite trickster. I have no idea what I'm doing after making a hex blaster for sanctum, I wanted a map runner for gold. Dropped a HH sold it used the funds too fund the ci vaal smite trickster. I have no access too POB and I truly need someone too have a look and make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot.
Sometimes on t16's I'll come across enemies and bosses that I just can't kill their health regen is too strong. Also I'll sometimes just blow up and I'm left wondering scratching my head. I am also unable too get a POB for my character,played since synthesis haven't figured out how too do it without a PC.
Thank you for reading my wall and I'll fully Appreciate any kind of help or even a roast if it helps my build in any way. Thank you for your time and help.
Character: Hexxxxy
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2024, 1:14:08 PM
You probably rerolled or so. If you are an attack based build and you struggle with lifeheal of rares or uniques, take the mark mastery "Marked enemies cannot regenerate life".

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