Single use spectre need some QOL

TLDR : Specter that despawn from anything but battle should be accessible to original owner in a gravestone item in the HO

Hi !

Having new specters is really cool. Some of them have really nice combo of stats and buffs, allowing a lot of functional builds and other horrible creations.
Sadly they can be lost and destroyed so easily ( and I'm not talking about HP ) that it become expensive, frustrating and then just discouraging.
So many things can make them de-spawn that you have to check your specter counter after every single action you do on your character.
I think there is a need for some kind safeguard, maybe a hideout item that would store your single use specter if they were to be disabled or destroyed, outside of being killed during a fight of course.
This item function could be accessible only by the hideout owner so no worry about sharing/selling them. BTW it can also be a NPC, doesn't really matter.
It could really help people who struggle with memory and attention.
I know Wreclast is a cruel and unforgiving place, but having equipment this expensive being so fragile is not good IMHO.

Feedback ends here.

I came with this proposition because those specters really are draining me mentally.
I'm not the smartest tool and i have long lasting attention and memory deficit.
During the first 2 weeks I think i lost 20+ perfect turtle/perfect warrior, always draining my resources and making it really hard to progress. But i really wanted to enjoy a summoner build so i continued. I put in place memotechnic patterns to remember and be careful. And it worked ( kinda ) as i have not lost a specter in the last 4/5 days.
Because of this (small) success I decided that i was ready for the BigBoi specter and bought a Perfect Tiger. Yeah. Yeah, it's coming.
After buying it i did some work with my gear, trying to improve my setup. Because of it, I moved a lot gear and gems, and then logged of.
When i logged back the next day, very excited to try my new power spike, i start a map and after few packs lose all my specters because i did not put the skills back in the correct order.
Yeah, I'm a retard.
Not sure I'll keep playing after that.

Sorry for the wall of text and have a good one.
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2024, 9:07:07 AM
Agree, I lost 3 Tigers, 5 d each time, I stopped it, and maked a new chacater, a non-minion one. Playing necromancer is just so horrible, AG can die so easy, spectres same.
i play minions but stopped using spectres for this reason. im not going to keep buying them after every few maps. and i dont even run rippy content just t16 maps. they still die
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 20, 2024, 4:59:03 PM
even if you do everything right there's precious few sources of a number of critical defenses for minions such as spell supression and you also have to get your own on top of socket starvation and almost un-breakable requirement for aura's and other stuff there's not a lot of ability to maneuver here.

There's a good amount of minion regen, life and leech available but supression, phys resistance need to be more available on jewels and equipment especially regarding Cluster Jewels.

Permanent minions and cluster jewels only have one realistic configuration on a large cluster in the endgame which is includes a major critical node, major healing node with double damage and a leech/life and damage node with everything or almost everything else primiarily being for the other minion types that are non permanent.

Only having one general cluster to work with and no defensive options for some of the required things to complete endgame content does leave something to be desired after anyone works hard for a league only to find out that there is no fix even if they save up 1000 divines in some cases the game is lacking critically in some of these areas and even just a small improvement to any of these things would make a drastic difference overall.

And the gravestone obviously wouldn't hurt, its been brought up a hundred if not a thousand times here and could also serve a function for the animate guardian.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 20, 2024, 6:48:17 PM
Aside from skill issue, these spectres are bugged. I lost mine in ssf because they don't drop on the ground in kingsmarch. I'm done playing a game they don't test before releasing, I just cba.
Last edited by Ayxera on Aug 21, 2024, 9:07:40 AM

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