End-game Armour/Evasion Helmet Bases

Prior to this league, the two top armour/evasion helmets were
#1)Pig-Faced Bascinet (More armour than evasion)
2)Nightmare Bascinet (More evasion than armour)

The new endgame armour/evasion helmets always roll with equal amounts of armour and evasion.

If you're using the armour/evasion mastery for bleeding or poison immunity, this makes it so that you can't reliably use the best possible end game helmet unless you use sacred orbs and hope you get the desired outcome.

I suggest tweaking the numbers and have one base be like the Pig-Faced Bascinet, one like the Nightmare Bascinet, and the best possible base having equal amounts.

PS, this league is #1 in my books, kingsmarch here to stay please.
Last edited by TheFARMBOT2000 on Aug 19, 2024, 8:39:17 AM
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 9:06:38 AM
Makes sense to me.

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