Let me gift stash tabs to my friends

Have a friend that can't afford stash tabs atm. Would be cool if it was possible to gift stuff in shop to people.
Maybe add an option next to the shop button to gift to someone in your friends list.

Would prob increase sales, I have all tabs I need, but my friend doesn't :)
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 2:32:24 PM
This. I don’t get why you can buy/gift the points to a guild who might be full of strangers, but not your friends.
venvaneless wrote:
This. I don’t get why you can buy/gift the points to a guild who might be full of strangers, but not your friends.

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yes please
venvaneless wrote:
This. I don’t get why you can buy/gift the points to a guild who might be full of strangers, but not your friends.

The reason why, is RMT. They don't want you to pay for in-game items with MTXes, stash tabs or other stuff that has a real life price tag.

But they have been willing to do this in the past if you go through support.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
venvaneless wrote:
This. I don’t get why you can buy/gift the points to a guild who might be full of strangers, but not your friends.

The reason why, is RMT. They don't want you to pay for in-game items with MTXes, stash tabs or other stuff that has a real life price tag.

But they have been willing to do this in the past if you go through support.

I get the RMT stuff, but on the other side, I doubt RMT sites really want a bunch of MTX and stash tabs over money :D
So the large portion of the issue is kinda non existent. Then you're just left with some gamers that would sell some item for some tabs, which I honestly don't have a huge issue with.
Last edited by Jabby on Aug 19, 2024, 1:45:02 PM
Jabby wrote:

I get the RMT stuff, but on the other side, I doubt RMT sites really want a bunch of MTX and stash tabs over money :D

It's not about RMT sites, though. Global chat would be filled with MTX offers for items, and items offers for MTXes. They wouldn't need an RMT site :P
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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