Auction house

With the release of the currency auction house and mass praise and love of it, will there be any looking into a in-game auction house for items to better facilitate trading between characters in some manner.

I hate bringing it up, But i hate having to download sketchy applications off a random github.. or use weird websites that harvest user's data and other information off of them. I hate how GGG is compliant as well in allowing it to happen for so long and encouraging it's player-base to go to un-safe, means to facilitate easier trading.

The fact you have to download a random 3rd party software from a sketchy github to post any reasonable amount of items and price them appropriately is not fair to your users and is kind of disrespectful because you are tossing your hands up and going "it's on you" when you are knowingly adding more and more and more things into your game making it harder and harder on yourself to create the auction house feature in general.

I shouldn't have to download some random program give it administrative access to my computer, just to be able to functionally trade in end-game. plain and simple... It's stupid and anyone who disagree's I am sorry but you are blind or extremely unaware of how things work when it comes to coding.

To just think they are just "giving you an application free, with no advertisements, no source of revenue for them, etc" they are most likely grabbing some form of data from you and you are the product..

GGG, seriously needs to do a better job with their item management and ability to list items, Unless GGG can somehow verify certain applications for their user's. it's not fair to your players/users to possibly put their computers and data at risk out of laziness and unwillingness to put in the development time.

TL;DR. We shouldn't have to use awakened POE trade, nor other random sites like which ask for access to our accounts to fascilitate game-play plain and simple.
Last edited by Xinglifehard on Aug 14, 2024, 2:36:25 AM
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 3:56:26 AM
I am still wondering where the "AH would be the end of the world" faction went off to. We got an AH now and all i see everywhere is praise for it. I was expecting doomsayers to run rampant like madman but nothing. Maybe now one can actually ask for a reasonable tradesystem without them flooding the topic with their bullshit? We'll see.

I doubt this will be even acknowledged by GGG they just will put it off longer and longer till it becomes a massively glaring issue (even though it kind of already is) you basically can't make any decent currency if you don't use these programs which is just sad. You will spend hours and hours trying to set up sells and it's so tedious and horrible. But ya know save em some development time in the short term instead of fixing the issue already. The more and more they add the worse and worse the problem will get but hey.. It's not like I didn't call this entire league mechanic (as a suggestion before)... and holy crap it's the most loved league mechanic ever (GASP) who could have thought making your game less tedious and more enjoyable and more accessible would make it more fun for your players. >_> -facepalms hard as heck-

I've been asking for YEARS lmao. since almost 2017.

on Jan 24, 2024, 12:49:15 AM

a hide out merchant would be nice.


on Jul 4, 2019, 7:43:42 AM

without being attacked or judged but we really need a auction house, trade district, trading post... just something dude I hate using the sites or like going off game just to constantly list stuff I wanna play the damn game not constantly tab out and deal with bullshit pardon my french... give it a search menu and a ability for us to list prices and search prices stabilizing the economy every league basically based on "flavor of the league builds" so it always stays fresh and different except the obvious god tier items like HH.. Look I get it I understand why the refusal has been there before.. trust me i've been here a long time(2016)to be exact lol and get it.

on Jul 4, 2019, 7:43:42 AM

without being attacked or judged but we really need a auction house, trade district, trading post... just something dude I hate using the sites or like going off game just to constantly list stuff I wanna play the damn game not constantly tab out and deal with bullshit pardon my french... give it a search menu and a ability for us to list prices and search prices stabilizing the economy every league basically based on "flavor of the league builds" so it always stays fresh and different except the obvious god tier items like HH.. Look I get it I understand why the refusal has been there before.. trust me i've been here a long time(2016)to be exact lol and get it.


Last edited by Xinglifehard on Aug 14, 2024, 8:11:05 PM
Honestly i am in favor of a full on AH, but i get that they are wary of it because of Diablo. But the thing is, diablo had like rares, legendaries and gems to sell, that was it, compared to PoE´s 10.000 different things to sell, the auction house has been bordeline needed for so long now, especially for none equipment related items, like currency, fragments etc.

But i think tying the newly made auction house into some sort of tab, that allows a certain amount of "slots" to sell items for would be a good idea, they could tie it with unlocking your trade outpost etc in levels in the future, but still have it so not everything is just traded over the AH, but only more highly valuable items, mostly so you dont have to afk and wait for someone to whisper you about items all day.
I really hope they look into it, but I just have my doubt's. Idk why but I just doubt it. They have been against it for so long and there's some big streamers that just push against it. Because they think it's not needed even though it really is.. the problem is there's certain people with big voices in the community that basically have sway it feels like while the rest can give their concerns and it's just kind of ignored.

My biggest grip is if you don't use the third party applications like awakened poe trade you are at massive disadvantage and you lose out on a crap load of currency compared to someone using it, and it's just not fair, it's not fair its basically forced on you, it's not fair you have to put your PC at risk and give a random third party app administrative access to your PC and it's stupid that you basically are limited in the game in end game because you make less currency in general and it makes your game play and play through slower purely because you don't download some stupid application that isn't even part of the darn game.. it's from some random person.. (no offense to them).
Last edited by Xinglifehard on Aug 16, 2024, 6:19:57 AM
The bottom line is that if they gave us an AH, they are afraid we would move through the game too quickly before getting bored (and quitting the league), resulting in them making less $$$ though the cosmetics.

Any other reason they tell you is pure BS.
Baharoth15 wrote:
I am still wondering where the "AH would be the end of the world" faction went off to. We got an AH now and all i see everywhere is praise for it. I was expecting doomsayers to run rampant like madman but nothing. Maybe now one can actually ask for a reasonable tradesystem without them flooding the topic with their bullshit? We'll see.

what bullshit? why are you so angry at other people's opinions?

to evaluate what damage the currency trading tech did you would need numbers. but there are no numbers of gold bots and their average income nor are there reliable info how much currency wheathly players did by abusing their power and probably bugs that always come along new tech.

the only fact we know is that ggg introduced a warning that your offer is way off the usual market rates.
could be a precaution, could also be a emergency fix cause players fucked up their rates when placing bets and probably quit.

how many? we don't know

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
this is the most popular league there's ever been for them they even said it themselves and they plan to keep the AH so obviously it was beneficial for them. there's no reason not to bring in a item auction house to be honest especially since they can tweak freaking numbers to compensate for how fast people push through content..

again, I stress I shouldnt BE almost forced at knife point to download some weird sketchy program from some github to be able to make any reasonable currency in path of exile.. If I don't download the stupid application I am basically screwed and at a massive income disadvantage compared to anyone using it and have extremely less currency at end game which just feels awful. the fact that that's "okay" to them says a lot.. it's pretty crazy in 2024 that they can't come up with a system to make it easier on the players I shouldn't have to download something away from the actual game to be able to compete in end-game. If I "have to" at least make it so those apps have to use stuff like curseforge or other stuff that can verify the integrity of the software/applications instead of relying purely on trust.

It's screwed up that i have to spend hours upon hours to list items and do searches to try and list them and try and figure out the correct prices compared to being able to list them on a auction house and being able to see the average price it's not difficult to design a system to do it and the longer they keep pushing it off out of pure laziness the harder and harder they make it on themselves.

SOooooo digging around I also found this post here...

from a GGG staff member that clearly indicates they don't even suggest people use the application.

Here is a spoiler for people who don't wanna go to the other thread
Hey Exxxiled665, I'll post my response here for the benefit of anyone else that may also have the same question.

In general, we do not encourage the creation or use of third-party tools because they provide advantages for players that use them. Due to the dynamics of our policies, I'm afraid we're unable to guarantee if a tool is allowed or would remain allowed in the future.

I would recommend refraining from creating or using any programs that automates or does more than one action with a keystroke or mouse click as well as anything that interacts with the game client to provide an advantage over other players or provide information that isn't normally visible.

If you (or anyone else reading this!) have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at :)

so my frustration and concerns and complaints are VERY VALID.
Last edited by Xinglifehard on Aug 18, 2024, 5:36:24 AM

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