Xbox- Floor not loading in on multiple maps

Floor isn’t rendering after update. Just an fyi.

Also the Treasure Hunter Helm micro transaction doesn’t have its feather plume at low magic find as it used to. This seems new for 3.25 not for the patch 3.25.1. Previously had feathers at no mf in past seasons.
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 6:45:54 AM
Graphic issues here too on xbox series x, map device is not the same shape or graphics, now a small square with bits missing and demonic ghoul character effect has almost dissappeared, now only a small light on back of character.

Was fine before patch

Here too
me too it is terrible
I play on Xbox. My characters torso and legs are invisible. I'm up to chapter 7 in the campaign with my current character and when I go into the northern forest half of the ground textures are missing. What's going on?
yes blue tile patches and also load times are taking longer than before.
Xbox got fucked again with new visual bugs like what happened last league. I ended up quitting last league because of it. Hope this isn't gonna be a repeat. This one was going so well too until this recent update
mmmyummymmm wrote:
Xbox got fucked again with new visual bugs like what happened last league. I ended up quitting last league because of it. Hope this isn't gonna be a repeat. This one was going so well too until this recent update

This league feels more bad to me in terms of issues than last league and it's just started.
This patch has broken Xbox play. Textures not loading, game slow to load, my map device invisible !
Can we please get a response from team as to acknowledge there is a problem as so so any of us are experiencing this issue. Clearly the patch broke something 🫣😵‍💫🥴
fixed turning off my console(full shutdown), disconected plug from energy, 2 or 3 min and after i turned on. This will clear cache.

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