[Not working as intended] Scion Ascendant Deadeye Frenzy Charge generation Bug

The Scion's ascendancy for Deadeye does not generate frenzy charges at the intended rate.

The first frenzy charge never generates after 3 seconds, and its more like 7-8 seconds of completely uninterrupted running. Any subsequent charges sometimes works as intended (~3 secs per generation), but there are times where it will take 7-8 or even longer to generate the next charge (Thus losing the frenzy stacks).

Taking damage, light bumping into obstacles, and sometimes just for no reason at all, causes the generation to go out of whack. After casting any skill, it sometimes "resets" your timer, and you have to run ~7 seconds again to gain the next charge.

Easily testable, run straight for ~7secs, get the first frenzy charge, use a skill, run straight for ~3 secs (Don't get a charge), after ~7secs, get second frenzy charge.

Even if the mechanic is working as intended, this is really a horrible mechanic to be honest. The whole idea of a Deadeye is to move and shoot, to force you to move uninterrupted for 3 seconds (Even if it was working as intended), just feels really bad.
Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 12:31:37 PM
I have the same issue, as far as I could understand anytime the game is forced to move to a different direction than the straight line between your character and your cursor (by the pathfinding to go around ennemies or obstacles for example) it will count as stopping movement, turning then resuming movement.

Whith how fast paced the game is (especially with flasks), it is impossible to maintain a uninterrrupted running for 3 sec without micro bumping into something. And even if I only see "someone making a 10° turn to avoid smashing into the doorframe" the game still consider that stopping.

The ascendency does not work as intended (unless the intention was to make it worthless)

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