port quotas are frustrating

port quotas are frustrating because it is near impossible to reach them.

I currently need like a million crimson iron to refresh port quotas, which makes no sense. I literally can't find crimson iron, i find like one vein every 10 maps, which gives me at best 1000 crimson iron.

In total i need to run 200 maps WITH crimson iron in it to get a million of it.
So lets say i find one vein every 10 maps -> *****2000***** maps to reach my current port quota.

This is just unimaginably frustrating.

Make them refresh daily or something.
discord : nexx#9045
Last edited by nex1233 on Aug 12, 2024, 4:56:39 AM
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2024, 7:44:06 AM

do quotas really get that high? i have seen some high numbers but never that high.

self found league fan


I find 3+ ore nodes in every map at t16 with maxed out mining.

So I'd work on that if your mining isn't maxed, 1 node of the most common ore type per 10 maps seems a little too low to believe.

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