[SUGGESTION] Please add trade icon to portrait, just like the teleport icon.

We all know we have the small "portal" icon in the corner of the portrait of our party member. It's huuge quality of life - one click, and you can teleport to his hideout to make a trade.

Hence - I think adding a small TRADE icon - for example on the opposite side to teleport icon (lower right corner) - would also be a smal-but-huge quality of life feature!

No longer would we need to right click portrait and find "Trade" in the menu, or use external software shortcut (like awakened poe trade - because sometiems it can get messed up and it says it cant find the player, because it tried to trade with someone else).

I don't think it would require a lot of work, but would make trading a little bit less tedious.
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 9:33:02 AM

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