Skill Effect MTX Sugestion

You guys need to make at least ONE skin MTX for every skill in the game...

That motivates people to buy supporter pack to put the skill MTX in their characters. Don't you guys want to earn more money?

I am currently playing Body Swap and theres no Skin for it...
Also planing on playing Sweep, and also theres no skin for it...

I would totally feel appealed to buy another supporter pack to buy Skill MTXs for builds that I play, if there were skins for it...

Remember... AT LEAST 1 skin per skill GGG.
The game has 11 years already. Some of this skills are YEARS in the game. You guys NEED to make 1 skill effect per skill. On all skills of the game.

Send this to the responsible departament.
Best regards,
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 11:18:02 PM

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