Currency exchange QOL

I would love if when clicking 'I want' or 'I have' the cursor automatically fills the search box, so you could immediately type in whatever you are looking for.
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 5:35:33 AM
Bumping this because of how many times I've started typing and opened up every other window in the game.
Just a fyi, I don't know if some people know, but you can currently drag your item into the top bars and it works that way to make it a little faster instead of typing things out but it does mean you need like that currency and a chaos in your inventory.

It's a little janky and never really explained to the player tbh that you can even do that.
Last edited by Xinglifehard on Aug 14, 2024, 2:49:18 AM
I would love if when clicking 'I want' or 'I have' the cursor automatically fills the search box, so you could immediately type in whatever you are looking for.

Unlikely to happen because of consoles/controllers.

But in case you didn't already know:
[ctrl]-clicking currency in your inventory directly chooses that currency in the "i have" box.

That can be done immediately after you [ctrl] clicked Faustus to open the currency exchange window. Speeds up trading very much.

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