Feedback regarding Ritual and the new Scarab

The scarab is an interesting concept and a nice way to gain tribute, however its a little difficult to see depending on the tile set as well as the amount of monsters inside the ritual encounter.

I always ending up losing track of the wisp when it teleports around and its hard to distinguish when you're trying to kill 80+ monsters inside the ritual while dodging mechanics from different ritual variations.

I also noticed since I play on predictive mode, I am prone to de-syncs and so there's cases where I follow wisps but on the server-side I'm elsewhere and it doesn't feel great when this occurs.

Ritual Feedback
3.25 had some changes to the Ritual mechanic introducing wildwood monster encounters, base types, omens, corpses, and the Nameless Ritual encounter including the itemized boss encounter from Affliction.
Ritual feels a lot more rewarding with this change however the introduction of wildwood monsters made it much more deadlier. It has been nerfed in the recent patches however, the volatile mechanic feels like a pointless addition to add difficulty since it's hard to see and it still does a lot of damage to the player.

- The wisp needs to be more visible in these encounters. This is my main concern of this mechanic and I would love if there were some visual improvements.
- Rework the mechanic so it gives a short burst of the buff kind of like the Opulent ritual with Coin showers. This suggestion is mainly based on my play style but standing still while focusing on the wisp in ritual encounters doesn't feel right especially with the addition of the volatiles!!!
- There needs to be some highlighting of items that cost no tribute. This would be a really nice QOL for this mechanic since there's no way to tell if an item is free besides looking at it.

Just giving my feedback on the new scarab as well as the state of Ritual this patch. I enjoy doing Ritual and the rewards are amazing this league but the encounters just don't feel right.

Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 2:28:31 AM

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