Ignore List - Showing 1-50 of 954 (Max 1000)

GGG, increase the ignore list to 2k, mine is about to get full
There are a lot of pricefixers in this game...
✅ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/paymx2/suggestion_stack_on_map_device_so_you_just_put/
Last bumped on Aug 17, 2024, 12:04:53 PM
Ignore List - Showing 1-50 of 965 (Max 1000)

35 left, can u increased to 2k please GGG?
✅ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/paymx2/suggestion_stack_on_map_device_so_you_just_put/
Remove some names from the list.

Do you think you will run into each of these blocked people again?

This is how I manage my ignore lists in all games I play. I put names on it on even slightest annoyance, but I will also remove names from it once I forget why they were there.

Im certain many of the names you have in yours dont even play the game anymore. perhaps they were some kind of bots and dont exist anymore.

Likely majority of the names in that ignore list have no need to be there anymore.
Should increase the limit for both the trade website as well as in-game.
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.

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