Being muted for trading in global is ridiculous in the current state of trade.

I had a limited window to hop onto the game this afternoon with an explicit plan to change out my one and only divine - it's been a slow league start lol - and use the chaos to purchase fractured boots & gloves, essences, and eldritch currency to craft new gear for my character. I didn't have any gold sitting around because your team continue to farm and smelt etc. while you're not playing. I ran a quick map in an attempt to acquire enough gold for a divine>chaos trade on the auction house, but I only got about 1/3 of the amount required for the trade and I genuinely had maybe 20 minutes before I had to leave. In this moment I realized that I would like to use the auction house to purchase the essences/eldritch currency required for the crafts, so I tried to save gold by changing my divine the old way: the trade site... everyone knows where this is going now, lol. Noone responded. I messaged ppl until I hit the rate limit and had to wait. At this point, I messaged trade 820 and trade 1 with "WTB your 150 chaos for my 1 divine" - the ratio at the time was 155c. No response, so I typed the same message into the global chat that I sit in all league, global 4040. Immediately upon my message, someone responded "sure". I invite them to my party, they come to my h/o, we have a cordial trade. Both parties benefitted from the transaction, ty gl's were exchanged... at which point I was muted for two minutes for my heinous actions. It was clearly automated, as it happened before the person I was trading with had even left my h/o, definitely less than 30 seconds after my horribly offensive message was sent to global.

While I understand the end goal you're looking to achieve with policy like this, in action this is incredibly demotivating and feels to me like you don't care about my/the general players' experience. I spent probably ~3 minutes trying to exchange my divine into chaos using the methods y'all have put in place - it was not working, period. Of course, in other circumstances I could have just taken ~ten minutes to run another couple maps and I would have plenty of gold to use the exchange for everything - I didn't have the time. If you want to have the auction house and the trade site run side by side, you need to address the issue of ppl not responding to manual trade messages becoming more prominent than ever as a result of the auction house.

Also, to the layman it just comes across as you siding with an embarrassing group of ppl, screeching in global spamming thirty messages whining about how your 1 message is "clogging up the chat" that noone was participating in before you sent the message. Just a bad look all around. Massive L.
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 7:54:57 PM
I want to know how long you spent typing this complaint about a 2 minute global chat mute.
Took probably 10 minutes, what's your point?
Vegetablè wrote:
Took probably 10 minutes, what's your point?


Vegetablè wrote:
in other circumstances I could have just taken ~ten minutes to run another couple maps and I would have plenty of gold to use the exchange for everything - I didn't have the time
This happened hours ago. I am back in game now, having dealt with my responsibilities.

Vegetablè wrote:
I had a limited window to hop onto the game this afternoon...I didn't have any gold sitting around b...I ran a quick map...I realized that I would like to use the auction house...I messaged ppl until I hit the rate limit and had to wait. At this point, <I broke the rules of global chat>, at which point I was muted for two minutes for my heinous actions...

I want to know how long you spent typing this complaint about a 2 minute global chat mute.

Vegetablè wrote:
Took probably 10 minutes, what's your point?

Vegetablè wrote:
Of course...I could have just taken ~ten minutes to run another couple maps and I would have plenty of gold to use the exchange for everything - I didn't have the time.

Vegetablè wrote:
Massive L.

Last edited by bgyoshi on Aug 3, 2024, 4:12:21 PM
At no point in any of my comments did I ever imply that I did not break the "rules of global chat."

While I do agree that if anyone and everyone just went to global for every currency exchange it would be a problem, that is why this process should not be automated to the degree it is currently. Automating mutes and/or bans for certain things makes sense - blacklisted language, RMT advertisements, egregious spamming, etc., basically anything that ruins the general player experience. I just think it's silly to actively punish a player for something as innocuous as a single wtb chaos message in global. Have some contextual considerations ffs.
Vegetablè wrote:
While I do agree that if anyone and everyone just went to global for every currency exchange it would be a problem...I just think it's silly to actively punish a player for...wtb chaos message in global.

Please think critically.

You were muted for breaking the rules of chat.
You aren't allowed to use global as a currency exchange.
You agree that players shouldn't be allowed to use global as a currency exchange.
You used global as a currency exchange.
You got muted for using global as a currency exchange.
You went to the forums to claim it's ridiculous that you got muted for 2 minutes for breaking the rules, which you agree is something that should happen

You aren't the only person playing. If you're allowed to do one global chat message for trading, so is everyone else. Your single message multiplied by all of their single messages is what ruins the player experience, so nobody is allowed to make even a single message.

Please, this isn't hard to grasp


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