Starfall Crater "Subarea no longer exists"

Died twice to the Black Knight, could reenter.
Almost killed him, died, couldn't enter anymore.
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2024, 8:01:09 AM
Hello, same issue here:

Already got the same issue with the captain, it's a little bit annoying haha
Same issue. I exited the starfall crater before starting the fight, as I wanted to put a portal outside. Was unable to go back in. Same error message.

The same errror :(

I don't expect any information from GGG side ... like every league
Last edited by pes502 on Aug 1, 2024, 9:02:26 PM
Have the same problem. Weirdly enough sometimes I can rejoin the arena, sometimes I just get that error message and I cant enter anymore.

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