3.25.0 Hotfix 12

3.25.0 Hotfix 12

  • Temporarily disabled and prevented Maps being opened with the Divination Scarab of Plenty.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2024, 4:02:59 AM
please keep on the lookout for other div card abuse, this 4-card change seems ripe for it
Now ban all abusers please
2 days 2 economy exploits lets gooooooooo
People NEED to be suspended or rolled back for this.

As long as "Exploit early, exploit often, with no punishment" meta persists, this will keep happening.

Make an example.
Let's see if you guys going to ban exploiters or you're going to let economy die
this one needs some manual intervention GGG, the level of exploitation displayed here by some people is beyond the run of the mill 'oh we found a strategy thats a bit too strong'.
exploit early, exploit often... classic
I'd suggest that you take some action and ban these exploiters to set some example
please finally start handing out bans for stuff like that.

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