Fresh Start *Social Group Private League* - Looking for Social Players

** Starting Saturday, June 1st at 9am Pacific Time **

You are invited to join a new Necropolis GSF Private Social League.

The intention of this league is to be a full co-operative Group Self Found League that is social - you are active on Voice in Discord.

So this league is not for the solo player that keeps to himself. You are required to be active (at least initially) on Discord in the Voice chat and contribute to the group progress.

The league is initially funded for 20 and we will add more slots as the demand increases!

The league is initially funded for 10 days but we will extend it to a minimum of 1 month or longer.

So just to clarify, the intention of this league is for a very social experience, working together to help each other. This is not a solo league and you should be willing and able to talk in Discord and contribute to others.

Look forward to seeing you in the new league!


1) Signup for Discord here:

2) Signup for the Private League here: (immediate acceptance)

3) Join the Global Channel:

/global 4920

Last bumped on Jun 4, 2024, 12:45:25 AM
I'm game to play some. I'll be going dual strike jugg, maybe run some labs for us
Sounds good! Welcome on board!
Really cool league so far!
At first I was sceptical about the "requirement" to be active in discord but it really adds to the experience. We have a chill discord voice chat here and everyone is very helpful.
Come check it out :)
Tried to join and was waitlisted, I think I left on accident and can't rejoin -_- Would love to join even if late
You should be in now. We added more slots.

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