Can we just have a nice and simple trading card league?

Hi, everyone. Concensus here, wanting to discuss the possibility of creating a trading card league within Path of Exile by adapting existing divination cards to this purpose.

Considering the current state of the league, it seems we're delving deeper into the rabbit hole with the introduction of new leagues, and, oh boy, things are changing. Trade is currently on the edge, and it has always been one of the strong pillars of the game. One of the golden rules comes to mind: 'If it works, don't break it.' Not trying to stir up any negativity here; I understand the necessity for changes and the process for the game to evolve. You can't skip the adaptive process of trial and error that this beloved game entails.

In my opinion, we need to get we need a real "Back to basic"
I'm thinking of games like The Witcher 3, where the Gwent playing card system is a great separate system integrated into the game in a fantastic way. It's non-intrusive, completely optional, yet you get involved in one way or another.

Starting from the base of having a trading system and divination cards with great visual art already built-in, it wouldn't be too time/resource-consuming (not being a developer, but just an impression, taking into account PoE2). Focusing primriley on balancing, and UI experience. Additionally, it would enhance the layering experience and incentivize divination cards, which are rapidly flushed through filters. Giving players the option to use the divination cards to play in a built deck or to exchange them for the real item would create a better balance between supply and demand.

There are numerous ideas that could stem from this point moving forward:

Ascendancy power attachments (replayability, character diversity, and incentives)

A well-designed ladder with weekly and daily rewards (perhaps some MTX for top ranks?)

Some form of adaptive design between decks and builds

PvP interactions

Lore additions

Stats with a correlation to stack size for exchanging cards.

Well, in any case, I just wanted to throw the idea out there. I fully support the devs and have confidence in the game moving forward. Thanks for reading.

Last bumped on May 8, 2024, 7:04:38 PM

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