League and overall game enjoyment.

Greetings, fellow fans.

My idea here is to share some feelings to counter weight the general negativity.
The forum is generally less toxic than steam, though.

I am the average 2k hour noob. I really love the game and manage to get my enjoyment every league I play.
Whenever I can match my free time to a new League, I reinstall and update my D2 Sound filters and burn the few whole days I manage to scavenge out of the busy work routine, trying to complete the atlas and make a build the strongest I can.

I have enjoyed Necropolis a lot. Managed to make some cool crafts randomly droping corpses in the graveyard and had the orgasmic drop of a MB in Defiled Cathedral, also the Anarchy/rats Allflame thing with chaos drop packs feels awesome!
Been playing RF chieftain, very grateful for Phox for the guide.
MB feels amazing, I am already suffering for the next league where I won't have it.
Chieftain is my favorite Ascendancy and in my head I think it should be the best RF and fire stuff. So I was very fond and happy with the rmk, also very satisfied to have managed to put a very strong RF together.

I play with the goal to have fun. I don't like the pressure to be the optimal and efficient player like our beloved Grimro, so I don't try to. I take my time. Roll some flasks, some jewels, blast some maps. Kill the bosses, hire a carry for the feared, and farm until I get bored. That is it. We need to be sober with the game and with the RL. Whenever we have a complaint with the game, let's make it in a mature and respectful manner.

That is it for now. Thank you the players for the trades and GGG for the game.
Last bumped on May 9, 2024, 5:18:36 AM
i think ur entire post= toxic
Ok. You have the right I suppose...
I don't think the game is dead nor this league is the worst. I consider the game has improved along the years. Mistakes were made, but GGG displayed interest to fix and to communicate.
Harvest 10.0 killed all itemization. T17s and exploits killed all farming. Not much to say. Game is worse in every dimension except QoL additions post-Affliction.

Even with all of the bad PoE is still the best in class. Killing stuff is still very fun. Picking stuff up and selling it for other stuff was still very fun early league before things were ruined. I don't care to bother with it but Adorned jewel crafting is the only meaningful progression path in the entire game and that is notably fun for many people (Adorned is being nerfed after this league so that'll be gone.)
hoho interest and communication? where is that exactly?
-Official Forum Dweller-
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mabsousa wrote:
Ok. You have the right I suppose...
I don't think the game is dead nor this league is the worst. I consider the game has improved along the years. Mistakes were made, but GGG displayed interest to fix and to communicate.

I made the right call this season by going HCSSF and actually limit myself somewhat. Fun is where you make it. :)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Not talking about the league itself, but the general game, atlas tree, and progression feels pretty good.
in my opinion they should've extended the crafting period with the 6 link bug, for everyone with global chat announcement for around 2 weeks so everyone even the most casual players somehow could clear t17 and feel the league being more satisfying, maybe just me, since i just run t17 b2b like a maniac.
trixxar wrote:
Not talking about the league itself, but the general game, atlas tree, and progression feels pretty good.

I agree. IMHO PoE was never in such good condidtion.
de99ial wrote:
trixxar wrote:
Not talking about the league itself, but the general game, atlas tree, and progression feels pretty good.

I agree. IMHO PoE was never in such good condidtion.

I agree, too.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

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