Late game progression is just god awful now

I will preface with that I am SSF and I understand this game isn't balanced around SSF but this is just ridiculous. Uber boss accessibility has been completed gutted. I get a chance at a specific Uber boss maybe once every 100-200 maps, and if I don't get an item I'm looking for I get to go kick rocks.

Running maps with full map scarabs, I get a t17 map maybe once every 2.5 maps. (mind you, any maps I didn't get a t17 from were basically full-cleared) The bosses from those t17 maps drop 1 - MAYBE 2 - fragments for an uber battle, which there are 7 different options of. So on-average, it will take me 25-35 t17 maps to obtain the fragments for 1 particular boss. I have nothing more to gain outside of uber drops, so all this map running is a massive waste of time.

All the useful drops for a lot of these bosses have been moved to the uber table as well (annihilating light, impossible escape, etc) - not to mention triple synth items have been removed from Cortex so the already pitiful boss feels even worse to run now.

100 maps used to net me 4 uber eater battles no problem. Now my stash is full of invites because there is no incentive to kill them. Why don't the uber fragments for bosses drop from their non-uber variant fight? Why are t17 encounters dropping a single fragment instead of up to 10? I'm even juicing them running eldritch altars, are they even affected by quant? Why has my accessibility to these bosses been cut to 10-20% of the original? Mavens used to be 1 uber fight for every 8 maps! It feels so awful to play this game now. And if I'm out of t17 maps? What do I do? Run around blindly in t16s? Why aren't t17 maps sustainable in t17 maps? How many weeks of running a stagnant build will I have before being able to obtain the item I want? Are ssf players only allowed to have nice things if they get lucky?

Having all 132 atlas points should provide some sort of massive buff to obtaining t17s. There is no point to running anything but t17s at that point in the game. 3% is not it.
Last edited by Nezqi on May 6, 2024, 2:32:33 AM
Last bumped on May 6, 2024, 8:12:51 PM
Nezqi wrote:
Are ssf players only allowed to have nice things if they get lucky?

I've been playing SSF exclusively since it was introduced years ago and the sad truth is yes.

The T17 issue is particularly annoying as well as T17 map drops are tied to specific maps. So if you are running maps that don't drop the specific t17 you want to farm? Welp tough luck or run crappy maps to get one (if you're lucky).

I feel you on a lot of your comments, as I quit much earlier this league then I normally would. When I realized the grind it would take to even get a shot at the Ubers I didn't even bother. I have like a bunch of random fragments and not a single one completed.

I'm personally not a fan at all of the direction as it relates to new POE end-game experience.
As an enjoyer of another game mode that they don't balance around nor do they consider (hctrade) I agree. T17s feel terrible.

They're hard enough without having revenants in them.

Even if you're not SSF, this change to progression is just ill conceived and poorly executed.

Even in trade most players would want to 'earn' the ability to fight the higher bosses but imposing T17s in the way is just terrible design.

Nothing more we can do except add it to the long list of "Changes nobody was asking for and which make the game worse".
I've felt end-game progression has been bad for years now.

You clear the atlas, all normal bosses, juice maps in no time then nothing but small upgrades.

Instead of more steady map progression there's just this massive gap that isn't worth the effort. Usually I just reroll but can't even do that this league because the economy is busted.
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