New MTX in 'Necropolis' mystery box.

Hello, i would to report that one of the newest microtransactional items that you can acquire from the latest mystery box with crab/legion theme has a feature one could call "pay to win", let me explain further.

So i bought multiple boxes simply because i wanted the full crab set, anyway i also managed to acquire multitudes of other MTX's out of which one of my favourites were the "Spring Fae Wings", anyway whilst traveling through my merciless lab (lvl 68) i can't believe this to be true but it happened, i have played this on and off for many years but this is from what i can recall the first time ever that i have found one of the secret passages inside the lab, the ones that work like shortcuts to the next room.
And the reason that i'm typing this as a bug report regarding the "Spring Fae Wings" is due to their interaction with the world while you have them "equipped", as you're moving around these small lightbugs(?) will gather around and follow your journeys, and i'v noticed how they fly towards specific things, in town for example they fly towards the stash, and as you're approaching a zone-transfer, whether that be between zones or from a zone to a camp/town, the small lightbugs(?) fly towards and gather at the "interaction-point-between-the-zones",
and so back to when i was inside my merciless lab (lvl 68) wandering around exploring i came across a small well(?) which for some reason attracted my ligtbugs(?), and so i approached and i thought "oh interested, they are attracted to the water" i guessed to myself, but no, as i approached the well(?) the water drained away and a secret passage opened up revealing to me a shortcut to get around the lab faster.

TLDR; "Spring Fae Wings" are attracted to entrances/exits to zones, whether you can see or know they are there.
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2024, 3:42:07 AM

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