corrupted keystones

It could be an item like watcher's eye or smth else which says for example "your Iron reflexes is corrupted" and then lists what it does, keystone must be allocated by player thou. I do want to highlight that, that having keystone being replaced by another it solves keystone incompatibilities if there would be any, this allows for higher creative freedom (it may be not used here).

So i have compiled a list of them, will post a few here which look more interesting, but they may be unbalanced, just some concept.

Divine shield
ES is converted into unbreakable ward at 25% value (final fixed value).
note- defiance of destiny would still be stronger by wide margin.

Supreme ego
one of the three:
a) you always count as on full life (threshold 1 life);
b) you count as on full life while not on low life (adjusted threshold);
c) % unreserved mana = full life % threshold (adjusted threshold).
note- agnostic stops working on full life threshold apparently which would make greater variety agnostic build viable, like petrified blood or unique items with listed "while on full life".

chaos inoculation
immune to chaos damage over time, chaos hits damage is reduced by max energy shield value.
note- you no longer lose all but 1 life, but you are not exactly immune to chaos either. This could be used with divine flesh, forbidden rite or just pick it for chaos dot immunity ignoring es.

gain 1 max lucky attack evasion charge. Spell suppression instead grants lucky charge gain rate (starting at zero charges per second to 1 charge per 3 seconds with 100% spell suppression. It may go above 100%). This charge triggers when default evasion fails, then charge is used up tp roll evasion check again.
note- extra good for wind dancer, but would need other source of spell mitigation.

iron reflexes
40% less damage taken to life. Each % lost life recently reduces life recovery by that much (over time and instant recovery).
good for defense stacked builds which dont have recovery as a primary source of defense. this maybe increase time to death a little bit.
Last bumped on May 6, 2024, 10:53:06 AM
wicked ward
50% less damage taken to es if recharge did not began in past 3 seconds. Inc recharge rate reduces this time (time as if it would require to fill all es from zero).
no armor, no evasion, no es leech.
note-- maybe will finally see some pure es builds and also using recharge mechanic. Also, having this cannot obtain default wicked ward interruption prevention.

pain attunement
demon sticher while not on low life
(Sacrifice 20% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a Spell).
note- really liked this item, but was somewhat limited at times when losing all life.

arrow dancing
when hit (failed evasion) by a projectile attack lose 20% inc. movement speed for 6 seconds (stacks) instead of taking damage. Works until you lose all bonus movement speed.
note- losing movement speed may be as bad as losing evasion against melee. It also works for non ev builds, just get movement speed.

eldritch battery
es protects mana
mana is converted to energy shield (mana becomes 0/0, no auras)
count as on full es while above 50%.
(no recharge rate debuff).
note- for bonuses working on full es and energy blade.
Last edited by Andrius319 on May 6, 2024, 11:01:19 AM

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